- 强Borel方向Maximality Borel direction
- 强Borel线Strong Borel line
- Borel方向Borel direction
- 强powerful
- 最大型Borel方向Borel direction of largest type
- 零级拟亚纯映射的最大型Borel方向On the Borel Direction of Largest Type for K-quasimeromorphic Mappings of Zero Order
- 强的strong
- 关于有限级亚纯代数体函数的Borel方向On Borel direction of finite order algebroidal function
- 最强ff [fortissimo]
- 关于无穷级拟亚纯映射的充满圆与Borel方向On the Filling Disc and Borel Directions of a Quasimeromorphic Mapping of Infinite Order
- 强人strong man
- 很强ff
- 亚纯函数及其导数在角域内Borel方向的分布Distribution of Borel Directions of Meromorphic Functions and their Derivatives in Angular Domains
- 好强eager to do well in everything
- 责任心强responsible
- 世界500强500 tops of the world
- 按顺时针方向转动旋钮。Twist the knob clockwise.
- 刚强unyielding
- Borel域Borel field
- 中强mezzo forte