- 应急手动装置emergency hand(-)drive
- 应急手动操作<在紧急状态下manual emergency operation
- 手动操作调压阀manual operation press adjusting valve
- 三工位开关操作机构手动操作的设计Designment of Three Working Position Switch Operating Machine
- 手动manually operation
- 应急meet an emergency
- 阀门电动装置手动操作过扭矩问题的分析Study on Operating by Hand to Exceed the Torque Limit for Electric Valve Actuators
- 应急预案emergency preplan
- 手动操作电-液合一调压阀manual operation pressure- regulating valve in combination with electricity and fluid
- 应急灯emergency lamp
- 选择器保持在驱动位置,无需进一步手动操作。这是说。The selector position shall remain in the drive position and no further gear manipulation shall be done.
- 应急措施contingency measure
- 手动的manual
- 应急的lash-up
- 他会操作这台机器。He knows how to handle the machine.
- 专用插销插入孔中即可进行手动操作。Manual operation can be carried out when bolt is pulled in the hole.
- 学会熟练地操作电脑是不容易习得的。The skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn.
- 应急处理emergency processing
- 大量家务活可用机械化操作。A good deal of housework can be mechanized.
- 通常,所有自动控制功能必须能手动操作。In general, all automatic control functions must be capable of being operated manually.