- 广义Randic指标general Randic index
- 零阶广义Randic指标zeroth-order general Randic index
- 零阶广义Randic指数the zeroth-order general Randic index
- γ指标T index
- 选硫指标Sulphur recovery indexes
- 乘务广义费用wide crew-related costs
- 生存指标Survival Indexes
- 广义的现代性wide modernity
- 扫描螺线指标index of the scanning helix
- 广义伪单调性with generalized pseudo - monotone property
- Szulkin指标Szulkin index
- 切换广义系统Switched descriptor system
- 灵敏度指标sensitivity index
- 广义T-S模糊系统T-S fuzzy descriptor systems
- 达到出口指标meet one's export targets
- 广义图染色问题T-coloring problem
- 作业性能指标work performance index
- 广义平稳随机信号wide-sense stationary random signals
- 领先经济指标leading economic indicator
- 切换线性广义系统Switched linear singular systems