- 复谱频域OCTComplex spectral Fourier-domain OCT
- 复谱OCTcomplex spectral OCT
- 差分频域OCTdifferential SDOCT
- 基于方位和线谱频移的TMA方法Research of TMA based on Bearings and Line Doppler Shift
- 复频域卷积的离散算法A Discrete Algorithm for Complex Frequency-Domain Convolutions
- 质谱mass spectrum
- 复选框check box
- 域中inside the country
- 频数frequence
- 复变函数complex function
- 时域time domain
- 气相色谱gas phase chromatography
- 主频dominant frequency
- 复检recheck
- 谱图spectrogram
- 倍频frequency doubling
- 城域网metropolitan area network
- 复得regain
- 色谱柱chromatographic column
- 载频carrier frequency