- 发动机engine
- 柴油发动机diesel motor
- 航空发动机aeroengine
- 汽车发动机motor car engine
- 发动机型号engine type
- 喷气发动机jet engine
- 现代汽车的前身是不用马拉的,装有汽油发动机的车子。The precursor of the modern car was a horseless carriage with a petrol engine.
- 发动机盖bonnet
- 发动机和变速箱能分开供应吗?Can the engine and the gearbox be supplied separately?
- 汽油发动机gasoline motor
- 发动机转速engine speed
- 上一级发动机upper engine
- 失去控制的发动机a wildcat engine
- 发动机功率engine power
- 发动机在最后一圈时失灵了The engine conked out on the final lap.
- 发动机罩engine bonnet
- 小型汽油发动机A small gasoline engine.
- 这台发动机需要检修。This engine needs an overhaul.
- 气球是没有发动机来驱使它们逆风前进。Balloons have no engine to drive them against the wind.