- 单位GDP的环境负荷environmental load per unit GDP
- 单位GDP的能源消费与经济增长模式Energy Consumption per Unit GDP and Economy Growth Mode
- 单位GDP的节能率达到6%以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平。It is targeted to reduce energy consumption for unit GDP production by 6%25 annually to make Beijing join those of the leading cities in the country.
- 北京水泥生产过程的环境负荷研究Environmental Burdens of Beijing Cement Production
- 2008年单位GDP的节能率达到6%以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平,约为0.865吨标煤/万元和3.318吨标煤/人。By the year 2008, the energy saving rate per unit GDP will reach 6%25 over, while the energy intensity per unit GDP and per capita will meet 0.865 tce per 104 Yuan and 3.318 tce per person, the advanced domestic levels over the same period.
- 环境负荷评价life cycle assessment
- 他早年生长在读书空气很浓的环境中,所以后来倾向于从事文学研究。He was predisposed towards literary studies by the bookish environment of his early rears.
- 毫无疑问,利用外资对中国gdp的增长起到强劲推动作用。Undoubtedly, the utilization of foreign capital has strongly promoted the growth of China's GDP.
- 能耗寿命周期环境负荷LCA of energy consumption environment loads
- 单位GDPunit GDP
- 这房子本身并不特别合我的心意,但我喜欢它周围的环境。The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its environment.
- 他很快适应了新的环境。He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.
- 单位GDP能耗GDP energy intensity
- 环境负荷率Environmental loading ratlo
- 如鱼离水的,感到生疏对自己所处的环境或所干的事完全不熟悉的Completely unfamiliar with one's surroundings or activity.
- 企业能耗与环境负荷的研究Research on Enterprise Engergy Consumption and Environmental Loads
- 继续增加环境保护投入,力争污染防治投入占同期gdp的1%以上;Continually increasing input in environmental protection. Investment in pollution prevention and control is expected to make up more than 1 percent of the GDP.
- 生活在奢侈的环境中live in luxurious surroundings
- 单位GDP铜消费量copper consumption per unit GDP
- 钢铁工业能源节约对环境负荷的影响Influence of energy saving in iron and steel industry on environmental load per ton crude steel