- 人ZP3基因human ZP3 gene
- 人ZP3蛋白human ZP3 protein
- 人卵细胞ZP3蛋白Human zona pellucida 3
- 报人journalist
- 埃及人Egyptian
- 白种人white
- 强人strong man
- ZP3蛋白疫苗和DNA疫苗可以诱导机体产生较强的免疫反应 ,导致生育降低 ,同时带来一定程度的副作用。Both ZP3 protein vaccine and DNA vaccine can elicit immune responses and result in subsequent infertility, but at the same time caus e some structural abnormality.
- 人渣scouring
- 爱尔兰人Irish
- 俗人layman
- 澳大利亚人Australian
- 逼人pressing
- 北方人Northman
- 波兰人polish
- 潮人tide-person
- 蒙古人Mongol
- 瑞典人Swede
- 授权人authorizer
- 投保人policy-holder