- 主动式GISactive GIS
- 虚拟GIS数据模型的设计及其主动式面向对象数据库系统的实现Data Model of Virtual Reality GIS and Its Implementation Based-on Active Object-Oriented Database System
- 主动initiative
- 组件式GISComGIS
- 嵌入式GISembedded GIS
- 主动式active
- 组建式GISComGIS
- 服务式GISservice GIS
- 全主动式active form
- 非主动式inactive mode
- 嵌入式GIS系统built-in GIS
- 伪主动式pseudo-active
- 半主动式semi-active form
- 迭代演进式GIS需求分析模型研究Study on Waterfront Model of GIS Requirements Analysis
- 主动式检测active detection
- 基于嵌入式GIS的电力巡检系统的研究Power Patrol Inspection System Based on Embedded GIS
- 主动式抑爆active explosion suppression
- 嵌入式GIS系统实时响应的软件方法实现The software methods realization to improving real-time response in embedded GIS
- 主动式学习active learning