- 一种新的HDTV传输技术A New HDTV Transsion Tevhnique
- 基于大动态范围CMOS图像传感器对数有源像素一种新的FPN抑制技术A Novel FPN Reduction Technology of Logarithmic APS Based on Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor
- 一种新的低压电力线语音传输技术A New Voice Transmission Technique over Low Voltage Powerline
- 这里采用的大多数机器部件都是由一种新的轻合金制造的。Most of the machine parts available here are made from a new kind of light alloy.
- 当教官让你做各种练习,然逆跑步时,你将开始一种新的生活方式。You'll start getting into the best shape of you life, as your uctors put you through all kinds of exercises and get you running.
- 高比特数字用户环路(HDSL)技术是一种新的在双绞铜线上实现高速数据传输技术,有“铜光纤”之称。HDSL is a new high-speed data transport technology realized over twisted-pair wires and is known as "copper optical fiber."
- 这时,他发展了一种新的单人滑稽剧,在几个卡巴莱作轮回演出。Now, he developed a new solo act, playing the cabaret circuit.
- 一种新的抗分组丢失的语音分组传输法A New Method of Speech Packet Transmission to Reduce the Influence of Speech Packet Loss
- 彩色车牌的一种新的阈值分割算法的实现,可以参考实现其他型状的彩色分割,The colored car license one kind of new threshold value division algorithm realization, may refer colored realizes other shape to divide, matlab, Special Effects
- 一种新的基于圆锥滤波的直线反走样生成技术A New Antialiasing Technique for Drawing Straight Line Based on Cone Filter
- 一种新的无线视频传输帧内刷新策略(英文)A novel intra refresh scheme for wireless video transmission
- 原始生殖细胞(PGCs)是用做分离和克隆胚胎干细胞(ES)的一种新的细胞资源。The primitive germ cell is a kind of new cell resources used as isolation and coloning embryonic stem (ES)cell .
- 一种新的高密度直流电机及绕线技术A New Density DC Electromotive Coil Technology Enables More Innovative Appliance Design
- 本文针对时分多址数字传输系统提出了一种新的位同步方案。in this paper, a new bit synchronization scheme for TDMA digital transmission system it proposed.
- 圆度误差评定中的一种新的删点技术A new technology to delete sample datum in the process of evaluating roundness error
- 据说你们正在实施一种新的贸易政策,不知有没有这回事?It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade. Is that true?
- 数据报拥塞控制协议(DCCP)是IETF提出的一种新的传输层协议。Datagram congestion control protocol(DCCP)is a new transport protocol put forward by IETF.
- 专业技术人员考评的一种新的定量化方法The method of quantitative analysis on checking about special technicians
- 摘要提出了一种新的排爆机器人半自主爆炸物抓取方法。A novel semiautomatic bomb fetching approach of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) robot system was presented.