- This research aims to carry out the experiment on the zero power reactor and obtain import critical parameters. 此研究的目的是在零功率反应堆上进行临界实验,并获得重要的临界参数。
- The harmonic voltage at zero power test of Longquan HVDC converter station is calculated. 摘要计算了龙泉-政平HVDC工程龙泉站系统试验期间零功率试验时的谐波电压。
- The Wiegand sensor which is a kind of zero power sensor is choosed as theimpulse sensor. 脉冲传感器选择韦根传感器,是一种零功耗磁敏传感器。
- From cardboard milk containers to the rockets that power space vehicles, products created for short-term or one-time use are becoming more numerous and crucial to our way of life. 从纸装牛奶罐到为太空工具提供动力的火箭,被造来进行短期或一次性使用的产品越来越多,也对我们的生活有着至关重要的作用。
- Research on Zero Power Con. 电力储存用飞轮系统的零消耗控制研究。
- From the Theory of Foucault's power space, thi article try to analyze clan、 ancestral hall and memorial gate way in Huizhou and reveal the power space characteristic o the traditional lineage villages the essence behind the appear ance of village form. 本文以福柯的权力空间为理论依据,通过对徽州宗族、祠与牌坊的分析,揭示了徽州古村落里的权力空间特征和村落形态表象背后的本质。
- When the neutron decay constant is measured in the zero power assembly, the DT external neutron measurement system (scintillator photomultiplier tube detector ST-PMT) may provide trigger-signal and time correlationship. 摘要在零功率堆上进行了衰变常数测量实验中,建立外中子源DT中子测量系统可以为物理诊断系统提供触发信号和时间关联信号。
- This curve shows that the maximum power output point is a selectable operation point, but the maximum efficiency point is a unacceptable operation point because it occurs at zero power output. 其次按照工程分析方法引入压气机和涡轮机效率,分析内部不可逆性对简单循环特性的影响。最后再分析传热不可逆性对实际回热式循环特性的影响。
- For them, the Internet is a positive and powerful space for socializing, learning, and engaging in public life. 对他们而言,互联网是一片积极而强大的空间,可用于社交、学习、参与公众生活。
- Period Measurement on zero power assembly 零功率实验装置中的周期测量
- ZPPR zero power plutonium reactor 零功率钚反应堆
- Zero power reactor response function 零功率反应堆响应函数
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- zero power factor characteristic 零功率因数特性
- zero power consumptive magneto-dependent sensor 零功耗磁敏传感器
- The mercury dived to ten below zero. 温度突然下降到零下10度。
- Now, men, zero in your guns at that ship. 喂,伙计们,把炮口对准那艘船。
- It was five below zero last night. 昨夜温度是零下五度。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- A space impulse is equivalent to abinary zero. 空号脉冲相当于二进制零。