- He unloaded his anger on his wife. 他向妻子倾吐他的怒气。
- wreak one's anger on 泄怒于 ...
- He vented his anger on his wife. 他向他的妻子发火。
- Little Betty is the only one who can smooth down Uncle Joe' s anger. 小贝蒂是唯一能够平息乔叔叔的愤怒的人。
- The boss was fearful of his secretary' s anger. 老板很怕他的秘书生气。
- He inflicted his anger on inanimate things. 他把怒气发泄在无生命的事物上。
- Ralph, Sr.’s anger and confusion slowly subside. 大拉尔夫的怒火和不安慢慢缓和下来。
- He took out his anger on the cat. 他拿自己的猫出气。
- Don't turn your anger on the children. 别拿孩子们出气。
- He vented his anger on the referee. 他把气撒在裁判身上。
- A: Why did he unleash his anger on me? 他干嘛对我发脾气?
- He vented his anger on his long-suffering wife. 他拿一贯受气的妻子出气。
- He took out his anger on the cat, eg by kicking it. 他拿自己的猫出气(如踢它)。
- And there was no one who escaped or survived In the day of the LORD'S anger Those whom I bore and reared, My enemy annihilated them. 耶和华发怒的日子,无人逃脱,无人存留。我所摇弄所养育的婴孩,仇敌都杀净了。
- He vented his anger on his secretary. 他朝秘书发泄怒气。
- God has visited his anger on us. 老天爷已经迁怒于我们了。
- He always vents his anger on the dog. 他总是拿狗出气。
- There is no need to work off your anger on me. 你没有必要冲着我发脾气。
- Suddenly, Nikola turns his anger on Victor. 忽然,尼古拉对他的怒火发在维克多身上。
- Therefore the Lord 's anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book. 所以耶和华的怒气向这地发作,将这书上所写的一切咒诅都降在这地上。