- Japan Red Army- terroristic organization?Be still Japanese Red Guard? 首页>>军事历史>>日本赤军-恐怖组织? 还是日本的红卫兵?
- During the cultural revolutionary he was once a member of the "Red Guard". 文革时期,他曾经是是一名红卫兵。
- And whenever Mao denounced one of his former comrades, the Red Guard made it their mission to eradicate the offender. 任何时候毛对任何人(曾经一起打江山的老友)进行了谴责,“红卫兵”立即视之为其职责将“犯事者”彻底消灭。
- The Kremlin‘ s Spassky Tower and passers-by are reflected in the wet cobblestones of Moscow‘ s Red Square on Feb.13. 克里姆林宫的斯巴斯克塔和旅客的身影倒映在潮湿的鹅卵石墙上。
- Predictably, the Red Guard began by murdering teachers and school administrators. 不出所料,“红卫兵”第一个就是拿所有的老师,校长及教育工作者开刀。
- But Jianguo thrived amid the social turmoil, and became a leader of a Red Guard faction at his school. 建国却在社会动荡中茁壮成长,成为学校里一派"红卫兵"的头儿。
- Reptiles such as the gharial are becoming more prominent on the IUCN's Red List each year. 每年在国际保护自然与自然资源联合会的红色清单上,像大鳄鱼这样的爬行动物正变得更濒临灭绝。
- These photographs take the backdrop of the Red Guard cemetery in Chongqing to illustrate various dichotomies. 这些作品以重庆红卫兵墓群墓碑为背景,阐述了不同的派系。
- Loach s red blood cell mutation rate in the acetochlor water was much higher than that in normal water. 在乙草胺污染的水体中残存的个体,其血红细胞的变异率远远超过生活在正常水体中的个体。
- In the provinces thousands were killed or injured in clashes between rival Red Guard factions. 在各个省,数千人在二派红卫兵的对抗冲突中被至死至伤。
- Yes, it's true: At that time I was an honest-to-goodness Red Guard, but I never beat anyone, much less that janitor father of yours. 是的,那时我是个地道的红卫兵,但是我没有打过人,更没有打过你那当工友的爸爸。
- She had chosen to become a Red Guard, she proudly wore its armband and ecstatically fastened a Red Guard armband onto Mao. 她选择成为红卫兵,她骄傲地戴着红卫兵袖章,并且心醉神迷地给毛泽东戴上红卫兵袖章。
- This is particularly unusual as Cen A's red stars and round shape are characteristic of a giant elliptical galaxy, a galaxy type usually low in dark dust. 这是一个非常不寻常的特征,因为半人马座A的红色恒星和浑圆的外观,显示它是一个巨大的椭圆星系,而这种星系的尘埃含量通常很低。
- It is hard to believe that the monk’s red outer vestment is but an ordinary piece of hotel bedcover and the cane the monk holds in hand is picked up right in the cemetery. 即使这些都是无法预测的,但在所有的负面局势下,美国人民却展现出了他们不同寻常的自信与豁达。
- These temples were mindlessly destroyed by the Red Guards. 这些寺庙被愚昧无知的红卫兵捣毁了。
- Talk for the film, which will be produced jointly by Akshay's production house, Hari Om Productions and by SRK's Red Chillies, have been on for quite some time now. 为电影讲座,将制作阿克沙伊的生产家,哈唵制作和SRK咨询集团的红辣椒,共同拥有了一段时间,现在。
- The drama,laid in 1930,tells the heroic tale of the Red Guards. 这个剧本的故事发生在三十年代,讲的是赤卫队的英勇事迹。
- They saw the Red Guards closing in from all directions. 他们看见赤卫队从四面八方围了上来。
- He seldom came home.When he did, he dressed in full Red Guard fashion: the faded green Army jacket and cap, the Mao button on the shirt pocket, the bright-red armband. 他很少回家,回来时则全副红卫兵时髦打扮:褪色绿军装和军帽,衣服口袋上别着毛像章,臂上戴着红袖章。
- They waw the Red Guards closing in from all directions. 他们看见赤卫队从四面八方围了上来。