- He courted the audience's affection. 他博取观众的喜爱.
- He had insidiously wormed his way into her affection s. 他已神不知鬼不觉地逐渐赢得了她的爱情.
- If you try to win someone with witty conversation you are likely to end up all alone. 如果你想凭三寸不烂之舌来赢得对方的好感,很有可能会落得孤单的下场。
- TOW : I hope I can with my lover 's affection can sweety and love each other !!! 我希望我可以跟我的爱人爱情甜蜜蜜,彼此相爱!!!
- Ironically, many people’s affection becomes involved in a narrow and secluded room, just like my desert mind. 讽刺地,爱成为了许多的包含在一狭窄并且隔开的房间,就像我的沙漠情感。
- In between the woo ing, "Secret" delivers the usual scenes from high school, featuring jocks, nerds and rivals for our main characters' affection s. 在求爱期间,“不能说的秘密”反应了高校充斥着影响主角感情的体育生,讨厌的人和竞争对手的普通场景
- Although a Seven Paddle Boards is not as large as a big one, the light blue balustrades and the spacious cabin are beautiful enough to acquire people s affection. 七板子 规模虽不及大船,但那淡蓝色的栏干,空敞的舱,也足系人情思。
- The numbers of principal com-ponent' s affection on the Prediction ability of PLS were discussed and the test set was predicted.The predicted result was reliable. 讨论了主成分数对PLS定量预测能力的影响,预测了未知样品,预测结果是准确的。
- to win someone over to one's side 把某人争取过来
- With this discussion on how GRF's affect our direction of travel, we can start to see how minor changes in our GRF's can cause small deviations in the path of or COG. 这个有关GRF如何影响我们方向的讨论,我们可以明白微小的GRF的变化如何造成微小的运动路线偏离或是COG。
- They respected each otIT and not happen ago trifled with the otIT's affections. 她们从来不为琐事争吵。
- Score a point; win someone's approval "建立议论,赢得他人的赞同"
- They respected each other and never trifled with the other’s affections. 因为他的罪行,国家损失了大量的珍宝。
- win someone's affection(s) 得到某人的爱情
- I tried to win her affection (s). 我尽力讨她的欢心.
- SLD: Is complexity getting to the point where it’s affecting business decisions about what gets developed? SLD: 复杂度是否会影响到开发什么产品的商业决策?
- I better get someone to vouch for me tonight. 我最好找些人证明今晚我不在场。
- That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹马在下一场比赛中肯定赢。
- Objective: To evaluate the collection of trophoblastic cells and it s affecting factors in endocervical canal during early pregnancy. 目的:探讨孕早期子宫颈管脱落滋养细胞的收集与影响因素,为进一步的孕早期无创性产前诊断奠定基础。
- We needed someone to fix the tape recorder. 我们需要有人来修理录音机。