- He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以后才回信。
- He never lets a week go by without telephoning his parents. 事后琼回忆说,“他当时说,鹿要是靠一条吃不住劲的腿跑,那可不行。”
- Scarcely a week goes by without some new scandal in the papers. 报上几乎周周都会登出新的丑闻。
- Hardly a week goes by without news reports of some new records. 没有一个星期报上不报导新的记录。
- Hardly a week goes by without news of more upheaval in Europe's trading dens. 这一周对于欧洲交易市场这个“小庙”来说,着实不乏爆炸性的新闻。
- Weeks went by, and the battle went on. 几个星期过去了,战斗仍在进行。
- My last two weeks go by and i stay all alone in my room with no-one all day. 我一个人待在屋子里,独自度过我最后的两周。
- But since then, hardly a week goes by without a news story suggesting McNealy was on to something. 但自那时以来,几乎每个星期都会有一些新消息向我们暗示:麦克尼利言中了一些事情。
- But since then,hardly a week goes by without a news story suggesting McNealy was on to something. 但自那时以来,几乎每个星期都会有一些新消息向我们暗示:麦克尼利说中了一些事情。
- I was starting to worry when two weeks went by with no news. 两周悄无声息地过去了,没有任何消息,他能不着急吗?
- Three weeks went by before I received his first letter. 三周过去了我才收到了他的第一封来信。
- Sophie talked to hats more and more as weeks went by. 随着时间流逝,苏菲越来越多地和她的帽子谈话。
- A week went by and a disciple was dispatched to the tailor while the Master excitedly waited for his shirt. 一周过去了;大师兴奋地期待着他的新衬衣.;于是一个门徒被派到裁缝那里
- It was enterprising of him to go by himself. 他竟敢独自去,真有胆量。
- The weeks went by and Dingo became not only healthier and happier, but smarter! 数星期后,鼎狗不仅变得比以前健康、活泼,而且更聪明!
- Letters with enough stamps can go by air. 信件贴够了邮票就可以寄予航空。
- He was watch ing the crowd go by. 他注视着人群走过。
- Now, as a full-fledged superstar, not a month or sometimes a week goes by without Charlotte appearing on TV on both sides of the Atlantic. 现在,作为如日中天的巨星,夏洛特几乎没有哪个月、哪个星期不在大西洋两岸的电视上露面。
- Have we enough evidence to go by? 我们有足够的证据以资判断吗?
- Promotion will go by length of service. 晋升以服务年限为准。