- A portion of a Web page that operates within a Web portal. 是Web页面的一部分,运行于Web门户网站。
- It does not, however, adapt well to the Web portal experience. 然而,这种行为并不能很好地适应Web门户体验。
- Serbus_Net Web portal grada Zagreba. Informatika, stanovanje, sport, ljepota. 粤东信息港网络信息门户网站。
- From the official GuppY websiteGuppY, the easy web portal, that does... 一款来自法国的CMS系统,带有论坛、新闻、留言、下载等众多模块。
- Some Web portals, trying to be everything to everyone, have such navigational problems. 一些门户网站想要满足所有人的所有需要,就有这样的导航问题。
- You can view it as an extension of web portals, making a variety of information available in one spot. 你可以把它看作是入门网站的延伸,使你能够在一处地方获得各式各样的资讯。
- This list of RNA structure prediction software is a compilation of software tools and web portals used for RNA structure prediction. 该列表对RNA结构预测的相关软件工具和网络入口做了系统的编辑和整理。
- Such information will only be gathered and be analyzed to compile general statistics about usage of ICEAG's web portal. 该等资料只会收集作为分析编制有关工商东亚集团网站使用情况的一般统计用途。
- You can reference reports from a Favorites list in a Web browser, or link from a Web portal. 您可以从Web浏览器的收藏夹列表引用报表,或从Web门户链接报表。
- Today only AOL survives, and in a very different form: as an open web portal supported by advertising. 如今只有美国在线以一种十分不同的方式幸存下来:作为一个依靠广告收入的门户网站。
- The remote agent acts as a link between the enterprise web portal and the Zoho Service editors. 远程代理的作用是企业网络门户与百会服务编辑器之间的纽带。
- From the official GuppY websiteGuppY, the easy web portal, that doesn't require database to run ! 一款来自法国的CMS系统,带有论坛、新闻、留言、下载等众多模块。
- On www.qq.com and www.sina.com, two popular web portals in the country, internet users have contributed some 2,000 poems and 5000 drawings on the theme of Chang'e I. 截至目前,腾讯网和新浪网两大门户网站共收集网友创作的有关“嫦娥一号”的诗作约2000篇,画作约5000幅。
- The story of Mr.Shaikh's execution on Tuesday, and the diplomatic spat between Britain and China, prompted an outpouring of commentary on popular Chinese Web portals. 谢赫先生周二执行死刑一事,以及中英两国之间的外交口角,促使热门的中文门户网站上涌出了大量的评论。
- To improve customer service, Napier was also looking for a real-time Web portal that linked to their operating and database systems. 为改善客户服务,Napier还在寻找一个可以与它们的操作系统和数据库系统连接的实时网络门户。
- This tool provides authenticated developer access to view and update service request at any time during the day, from an easy to use web portal. 利用此新工具,认证开发者可以随时通过易用的门户网站查看和更新服务请求。
- The web portal has undergone remarkable change since it was set up by Stanford University students David Filo and Jerry Yang in a campus trailer. 从创立至今,这个门户网站经历了巨大变迁。当初,斯坦福大学的两名学生大卫·菲罗和杨致远在校园的一辆拖车里创建了雅虎网的前身。
- User interaction occurs via a Web portal interface that ultimately traverses a series of layers to the required physical resources. 用户交互是通过一个Web门户接口进行的,它最终将穿过一系列层次到达所需要的物理资源。
- The web portal has undergone remarkable change since it was set up by Stanford University students David Filo and Jerry Yang in a campus trailer . 从创立至今,这个门户网站经历了巨大变迁。当初,斯坦福大学的两名学生大卫·菲罗和杨致远在校园的一辆拖车里创建了雅虎网的前身。
- In response to a story on Web portal Netease.com, one Internet user from Guangxi said, 'History will remember this date forever. 在门户网站网易的一篇相关文章后,一位来自广西的网民说,历史将永远记住这个日子。