- water azeotropic distillation 乙醇
- Water in the precursor was removed by azeotropic distillation with n-butyl alcohol as an entrainer,and then it was dried and calcined to get nanocrystalline ceria. 用碳酸氢铵做沉淀剂,采用化学共沉淀法制备纳米氧化铈的前驱体,并以正丁醇为共沸剂经过共沸精馏除去前驱体中的水分,然后再烘干、煅烧制备了纳米氧化铈晶体。
- Technology of ternary azeotropic distillation for making anhydrous ethanol from ternary azeotropic system of ethanol,benzene and water(EBW) was simulated by CHEMCAD simulation software. 用CHEMCAD软件对乙醇、苯和水三元恒沸体系生产无水乙醇的工艺进行了模拟。
- The principle and methods of azeotropic distillation drying as well as the choice of displacers were discussed. 探讨了共沸蒸馏置换干燥的基本原理、操作方法和置换剂的选择原则。
- In this article,multiple steady states in ternary homogeneous azeotropic distillation have been studied. 研究三元均相恒沸精馏多定态现象,进行含有多个精馏区域的三角形相图的多定态分析。
- Then studies the mechanisms of film evaporation and azeotropic distillation, in order to get the input variables. 随后,对薄膜蒸发和共沸精馏的机理进行了分析,并结合这两个装置的工艺流程,得到了影响输出的主要输入变量。
- Atmospheric distillation,vacuum distillation and azeotropic distillation processes were used to separate 1,2-dichloropropane from the waste liquor. 采用常压精馏、减压精馏、共沸精馏工艺分离环氧丙烷生产废液中的1,2-二氯丙烷。
- According to process design of azeotropic distillation column of MTBE plant, Commercial application of JCPT tray is introduced. 结合燕化公司MTBE装置扩能改造共沸蒸馏塔的工艺设计,介绍了JCPT塔板的工业应用情况。
- Aspen Plus simulation of different ternary azeotropic distillation system is used to check the feasibility of splits and product composition regions. 用Aspen Plus对不同的三组分共沸系统中跨越精馏单元边界的分离进行模拟分析,模拟结果与上述分析结果一致。
- The production technology of biodiesel from high acid value waste oil with azeotropic distillation solvent-esterification and transesterification was studied. 研究以高酸值废弃油脂为原料,采用共沸蒸馏溶剂酯化-转酯化法制备生物柴油的技术。
- Studies indicate that chymist coprecipitation annexed azeotropic distillation can better prevent from hard-agglomeration and obtains homodisperse nanoparticle. 研究表明,在共沉淀法中辅以共沸蒸馏过程,可以较好地防止粉体的硬团聚,得到分散均匀的纳米级超细粉体。
- Aspen Plus simulation of several quaternary azeotropic distillation systems is used to check the feasibility of splits.The results are in good agreement with the analysis. 用Aspen Plus对多个四组分共沸系统中跨越精馏单元边界的分离进行模拟分析,模拟的结果与上述分析结果一致。
- Dynamic accumulative operation was feasible in binary batch azeotropic distillation, and operation by two tanks in turns was feasible in ternary batch azeotropic distillation. 因此,二元间歇恒沸精馏宜采用动态累积操作,三元间歇恒沸精馏宜采用双塔釜交替式操作。
- By tint of a kind of computer language MATLAB,the binary parameters is correlated,stability of original liquid is checked, liquid-phase splitting calculation and simulation of heterogeneous azeotropic distillation are performed. 利用MATLAB语言强大的数值计算功能,对文中参数的拟合、液相稳定性测试、液液相平衡分离、模拟计算的程序进行了编写。
- Keywords azeotropic distillation,LLE,simulation,acetic acid,water; 共沸精馏;液液相平衡;模拟计算;乙酸;水;
- By controlling the hydration of alkoxide, and with n-butanol azeotropic distillation and ethanol rinsing methods, the preparation process of superfine titania powder was investigated in detail. 利用控制醇盐水解的方法,分别采用正丁醇共沸蒸馏和乙醇洗涤这两种工艺,详细研究了超细二氧化钛粉体的制备过程。
- Azeotropic distillation technique is an important way to separat close-boiling or azeotropic systems, in which the flow of entrainer is an important factor to affect separation property. 恒沸精馏是分离近沸点与恒沸物系的重要手段,挟带剂量是影响恒沸精馏分离性质的重要因素。
- Dong, H.G., Adi, V.S.K., Lai, J.H., &Chang, C.T., (2007).Optimal Synthesis and Scheduling Strategy for Batch Azeotropic Distillation Processes, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, America. 钱新华;孙晓静;王克峰;董宏光;姚平经,基于模拟分析技术和随机搜索算法的化工过程能量集成方法研究,高校化学工程学报[J],2007/2.
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Nano-scale 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) and YSZ with 8 mol% TiO2 dopant (8TiYSZ) powders were prepared by coprecipitation combined with azeotropic distillation process. 基于掺杂成分的均匀性,故采用液相掺杂,辅助共沸蒸馏制备了8mol%25TiO2掺杂YSZ纳米粉体(8TiYSZ),采用TG-DSC、BET、TEM和XRD等技术,对粉体制备过程中沉淀、分散、脱水等工艺以及表面活性剂对粉体性能的影响进行了研究。