- The Malposition Between Hu Shi's Vernacular Literature Theory and His Practice of Vernacular Literature 胡适白话文学理论与白话文学实践的错位
- vernacular literature theory 白话文学理论
- Who will Recruit Literature Theory Tomorrow? 明天谁来招安文学理论?
- Hu Shi's advocacy of vernacular literature in place of classical Chinese is tied with the concept of "National Language", which has then been overlooked by debaters. 摘要胡适对白话文学的倡导与现代“国语”观念密切相关,但是他的这一致思路向并未得到足够的理解和重视。
- He still propagated the advanced literature theory and method in the west, translated famous literary works. 在文学艺术方面,他还积极向国人传播西方先进的文学理沦和方法,翻译西方著名的文艺作品。
- As a kind of theory study, intertextuality made a start on the linguistics turning of contemporary literature theory. 一番细读和思考后会发现,“互文性”与“博尔赫斯”是相得益彰的两个关键词,可以互相给以阐释和生发。
- This is the crucial factor in history and reality causing the Chinese literature theory "Aphasia". 这也是造成中国文论“失语”的历史和现实的关键原因。
- Analyze on the presentation of Zhou"s literature theory, comments on its feature of elitism, antinomy and idealism. 对周作人文学观所表现出的状态进行分析评价,论述其贵族主义、二律背反及理想主义等特征。
- Theconfucian literary concept, centered in Chinese mainstream traditional literature theory, advocates"reason controls emotion". 居于中国文学理论传统主流的儒家文学观,倡导“以理驭情”。
- Horaces's creation theory of literature and art is very important for us to guide the literature creation and develop the study of literature theory. 贺拉斯的文学创作论,对指导文学创作实践,推进文学创作论的研究都具有积极的现实意义。
- History of Vernacular Literature 白话文学史
- In Chapter II, the embodiment of Logocentrism in the fields of literature creativity and literature theory are researched with great efforts. 第二章研究逻格斯思维模式在文学创作和文学研究领域的体现:在理论领域,文学定义不断被形而上学化,以不同形式的表达主义重复逻格斯思维模式。
- These works illustrate the localistic and reformist tendency evidenced throughout India in the vernacular literatures, especially in Tamil, Bengali, and Hindi. 这些作品表现出地方色彩,遍及印度的改革主义者趋向表现在本国的文学作品里,尤其是表现在泰米尔人、孟加拉人和北印度人上。
- Zeng Gong"s essays about kiosk, dais, building and pavilion not only reflect his literature theory, but also prove his nobleness. 曾巩的亭台楼阁散文创作实践不仅与他的经世观、文道观、创作观紧密联系,而且是曾巩高洁品性的见证。
- He Qifang made creative contribution to literature theory and his theory is valuable spirit asset to develop the ideas of art and literature in the new era. 何其芳对文学理论做出了创造性的贡献,他的理论建树是发展新时期文艺观念的宝贵精神财富。
- He speaks an incomprehensible vernacular. 他说的是一种无法听得懂的方言。
- His literature theory's distinguishing feature was virility.firstly attaching importance to high atmosphere and then researching word 、sentence、paragraph section. 其文学理论,“阳刚”之论独具特色。首重“气盛”,着字、造句、分段、谋篇诸多方面进行探究。
- So, hackling the esthetic conception of “ugliness” is instancy and necessity for the development and revolution of literature theory in China currently. 同时,中国的现当代文艺在经历了一个由传统“美”的阶段到现代“丑”的阶段转变后,必然会走向美与丑二者的合题阶段。
- All of these three features mingled together to construct the unique viewpoint of Zhou"s literature theory, and predetermined the marginality of Zhou"s literature theory as well. 这三个特征是相互纠结的,它们共同构造出周作人文学理论的独特景观,同时又使周作人的文学观逃不过被边缘化的命运。
- The Way of Turning Literary Criticism Achievements into the Literature Theories. 论文学批评成果向文学理论转化的途径。