the organs and tubes involved in the production and excretion of urine
urinary tract的用法和样例:
Urolithiasis is a common disease of the urinary system. 尿路结石为泌尿系统疾病中最常见的疾病之一。
The patien ts with urinary infection were exclu ded. 有尿路感染的患者排除在外。
The time from removal of urethral catheter to urinary continence achieved was determined by chart review in these patients. 禁尿回复的时程是由病历纪录中尿管拔除时到达成禁尿之间的时间。
In recent studies, it has antitumor, and leukocytosis properties, and has an irritant effect on the urinary tract. 近来之研究显示斑蝥素有抗癌及升高白血球的效果,但对泌尿道却有刺激性。
We report a case of leiomyoma of the urinary bladder presenting with symptoms of voiding dysfunction. 我们提出一个少见的膀胱平滑肌瘤的病例,临床上以下泌尿道症状来表现。