- unreliability of system 系统失效概率
- Reducing work load of system maintenance. 减轻企业工作量。
- The current number of system handles in use. 当前正在使用的系统句柄。
- For a compendium of system security definitions. 以获得关于系统安全定义的概要。
- Third, the question of system and structure. 第三,关于体制、机构问题。
- With the help of system analysing program CRAS. 进行试验模态分析.
- Indication of system power On/Off status. 系统指示电源开/关状态.
- Snapshot of system security policy and user rights are saved. 系统安全策略和用户权利的快照已被保存。
- Both of these backup sets include a backup of System State data. 这两个备份集都包括系统状态数据的备份。
- The download and installation of an Express SKU will intermittently fail due to the unreliability of the internet. 下载并安装了OutlookExpress SKU将间歇性故障由于到unreliability是Internet。
- This sample log provides an overview of system performance. 此日志样本提供了系统性能概述。
- Because of the slowness and unreliability of the globe's postal systems LOIs are sometimes sent by fax. 鉴于世界邮政系统运行缓慢和不可靠,有时介绍信通过传真机发送的。
- Pm Discussion of System Concepts, by Prof. Hsu and Mr. 许教授和Hunter先生与学员们就系统科学的概念进行座谈。
- Because of the unreliability of the calendar, we can also observe the cervical mucus to determine whether a rhythm. 因为日历法的不可靠性,我们还可以观察宫颈黏液来判断是否处于安全期。
- He suffered the misunderstandings of all kinds of people and the unreliability of his disciples. 祂需要神的力量,才能承担我们的罪孽所带来的痛苦。
- A period of system nonfunction due to a power supply failure. 由于电源故障而使系统不起作用的时间。参阅sunoutage。
- And the negative aspects, for instance the unreliability of the Brazilians, one simply has to accept. 但也有消极的方面,例如巴西人不可靠,我也得接受了。
- Ninthly, what kind of system does harmonious development need? 九、和谐发展需要什麽样的制度安排?
- DMX Technologies is a new breed of system architects in Asia. 宏天科技是亚洲区的新一代系统建设商。
- These events, however, which Keynes would have considered evidence of the unreliability of markets, did little to blunt the force of a beautiful idea. 可是,这些事件,换了凯恩斯一定会视之为市场不可靠的证据,却对一个美丽观念所具的力量几乎毫发无伤。