- An unemployed man goes to try for a job with Microsoft as a Lavatory cleaner. 一名失业的人到微软去应徵一份实验室清洁员的工作。
- An unemployed man received a jail sentence of two and a half years for possessing counterfeit credit cards. 一名无业男子,因管有伪造信用卡,被判入狱两年半。
- An unemployed man was jailed for eight months for uttering a counterfeit credit card at a camera and audio shop. 一名无业男子,在一间售卖摄影及音响器材的店铺行使伪造信用卡,被判入狱八个月。
- And it shows the unemployed man and woman"s living qualities through the demonstrational investigation. 通过实证调查,展示了下岗失业职工生存质量。
- An unemployed man was jailed for six months imprisonment, suspended for two years, for injecting himself with heroin by way of a syringe. 一名无业男子,使用针筒注射海洛英,被判入狱六个月,缓刑两年。
- The government promised to take action to help unemployed men. 政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。
- Unemployed men at a Washington D.C. soup kitchen in 1936. 1936年华盛顿特区,在施粥所的失业者。
- An unemployed man was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment for threatening a woman with injury to her person with intent to alarm her. 一名无业男子,威胁会伤害一名女子,意图向她发出警告,被判入狱六个星期。
- The 58-year-old unemployed man went into a branch of the Saitama Resona Bank in the town of Kumagaya, north of Tokyo, on Wednesday, intending to rob it, a police spokesman said. 据警方发言人介绍,周三,这位58岁的失业男子走进位于东京北部熊谷镇的崎玉里索纳银行支行,企图实施抢劫。
- Indeed, since January 10th Minerva, who has been revealed to be an unemployed man, Park Dae-sung, has been in detention. 现实生活中,这位“密涅瓦”其实是一位失业者,名叫朴大成。自1月10日以来,他已经被警方拘留。
- Lee's life as an unemployed man changes drastically when he join the organized crime, only to find himself in prison after a botched mission. 失业多时的李聿终于找到工作,加入了郝氏集团,并获得总裁郝应龙赏识,但却发现女友慧苹一直欺骗自己说当秘书,其实是陪酒女郎。
- To ensure full employment, government should set up perfect market mechanism, supply requisite labor training and tighten up management to different unemployed man. 政府可以通过建立完善的市场就业机制、供必要的就业培训和加强对失业人员的分类管理等措施,来确保公民的充分就业。
- An unemployed man was sentenced to nine months imprisonment for conspiring to defraud a man by false representing that he could settle a police criminal case against him. 一名无业男子,串谋行骗一名男子,讹称可替他解决一宗他所涉及的警方刑事案件,被判入狱九个月。
- Two unemployed men, Len and Ted, were sitting in a restaurant drinking tea. 两个失业的人,兰恩和泰德,坐在一家茶馆喝茶。
- An unemployed man was sentenced to nine months imprisonment for conspiring to swindle money from an illicit oil station operator by impersonating as a Customs and Excise officer. 一名无业男子,因假扮海关人员,向一名非法油站经营者骗取金钱,被判入狱九个月。
- An unemployed man was sentenced to six months imprisonment for falsely accusing his former employer and a police officer of framing him up for embezzlement. 一名无业男子,诬告其前雇主及一名警务人员串谋诬陷他挪用公款,被判入狱六个月。
- An unemployed man was sentenced to six months imprisonment for possessing a skimmer designed for capturing credit card data for the manufacturing of counterfeit cards. 一名无业男子,因持有信用卡资料套取器,用作制造假卡,被判入狱六个月。
- The Court of Appeal dismissed an application for leave to appeal by an unemployed man against his four-month jail term for possessing equipment for making false credit cards. 上诉法庭否决一名无业男子的上诉许可申请。该名男子管有制造伪造信用卡的工具,早前被判入狱四个月。
- A former company manager and an unemployed man were each sentenced to six months imprisonment for falsifying attendance records in order to deceive wages and allowance. 一名前公司经理及一名无业男子,伪造值勤记录以骗取工资及津贴,各被判入狱六个月。
- The unemployed man tried hard to get a job,because he was worried about his family living from hand to mouth,borrowing money and never being sure where their next meal was coming from. 这位失业者拼命想找到一份工作,因为他的一家人难以糊口,靠借钱度日,吃了上顿没下顿,为此他非常不安。