"the ageless themes of love and revenge"
"eternal truths"
"life everlasting"
"hell's perpetual fires"
"the unending bliss of heaven"
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing;
"the ceaseless thunder of surf"
"in constant pain"
"night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"
"the never-ending search for happiness"
"the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy"
"man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation"
"unremitting demands of hunger"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Planes passed overhead with unceasing regularity. 每隔一段时间总有飞机从头顶飞过。
My admiration for you is like the unceasing flow of a river. 我对您的景仰之情有若滔滔江水,绵延不绝。
Her unceasing chatter will surely lay you flat. 她那喋喋不休的讲话一定会使你厌烦。
She makes an unceasing effort to help others. 她不断地帮助别人。
The unceasing cries of the children almost drove me the limit of my patience. 孩子不停的哭声几乎使我无法忍受。