- Imaging quality of a single mirror and two mirrors in the case of grazing incidence is discussed.The focal length, field obliquity and diaphragm position of KBA microscope are analyzed. 详细分析掠入射情况下单镜及双反射镜的成像特性,对组成KBA显微镜的反射镜在掠入射条件下的焦距、视场倾斜、光阑位置等进行研究。
- The following illustration shows an example of a mirrored media set that consists of two media families with two mirrors. 下图显示了包含两个媒体簇、两个镜像的镜像媒体集示例。
- A girl would sit in a darkened room, with two lighted candles and two mirrors, pointed so that one reflects the candlelight into the other. 一个女孩会坐在黑暗的房子里,有着两支点燃的蜡烛和两面镜子,其中一面把烛光反射到另一面去。
- Design of two mirror beam-shaping and fiber coupling for diode bars 平面镜半导体光束整形的设计优化与光纤耦合
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The images reflected by the two mirrors are just like human life, which often becomes entangled, and show that this physical world is only a reflection of the true world. 两片镜子所反映出的影像世界,就如同人类的生活一样,时常纠葛不已。同时这也意味:我们所生活的这个物质世界,只是真实世界所反映出的幻象而已。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- The scan line corrector (SLC) discussed in this paper consists of two mirrors which are parallel to each other and rotate back and forth around a common axis. 在星载多光谱扫描仪中引入扫描线校正器(SLC)可显著地改善仪器的性能。
- The beam propagated along a nonplanar loop within the cavity consisting of two mirrors, one of which was coated on the curved surface of the laser crystal. 该激光射器谐振腔由2面反射镜组成,其中1面反射镜直接镀制在激光晶体表面上,所产生的激光在2面腔镜之间沿著非平面光路传播,在谐振腔内形成振荡;
- She has two cars and in addition a motorboat. 她有两辆轿车外加一艘汽艇。
- The meat marinated in the brine for two days. 这块肉在盐水里泡了两天。
- At that time he had two helpers. 当时他有两个助手。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- spheric mirror resonator 球面镜揩振腔
- The two boys decided to play truant and go fishing. 这两个男孩决定逃学去钓鱼。
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- spherical mirror resonator 球面镜谐振腔
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。
- He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital. 在医院住了两个礼拜後,现在他能外出走动了。
- He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue. 他用胶水将这两块木料黏在一起。