- turn a clod shoulder tovt. 冷淡地对待
- The membership committee turned a cold shoulder to Tom's request to join the club. 会员资格审查委员会对汤姆参加俱乐部的要求不予理会。
- He did not turn a finger to help. 他连举手之劳的忙也不肯帮。
- It is inhospitable to turn a stranger away. 把陌生人拒之门外不是好客的表现。
- However, we often deviate from those ancient maxims that still we turn a cold shoulder to the stern and hard-swallowed truths until eventually blunders are committed. 但在行为上,人们又时常背离这些古训,不愿意听或听不进"逆耳"之言,"最终犯下严重的过失。
- Bad breath is guaranteed to turn a woman off! 有口臭管保让女子兴趣顿失!
- We walked in the street shoulder to shoulder. 我们肩并肩走在街上。
- The membership committee turned a cold shoulder to Jim's request to join the club. 吉姆要求入会,委员会不理他。
- I am well save that I have a clod. 除了患感冒之外,我很精神。
- Does Miss Linton turn a cold shoulder on him? 林惇小姐是不是对他不理睬呢?
- Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on. 有时候,你只是想要一个哭泣时可以倚靠的肩头。
- I be well save that i have a clod . 除了患感冒之外,我很精神。
- This metal is thick enough to turn a bullet. 此金属厚得可以挡住子弹。
- The young man was furious when she gave him the clod shoulder. 冷冰冰的对待客人是很不礼貌的,也是及不友好。
- Do you need a shoulder to cry on? 你需要可以靠著哭泣的肩膀吗?
- He turned a deaf ear to his mother's chatter. 他对母亲的唠唠叨叨听而不闻。
- They fought for their motherland shoulder to shoulder. 他们齐心协力为祖国战斗。
- She turn a deaf ear to our warning and get lose. 她对我们的警告充耳不闻,结果迷失了方向。
- She turned a deaf ear to our warnings and got lost. 她对我们的警告充耳不闻,结果迷失了方向。
- Susan just stood and didn't turn a hair. 苏珊站著不动声色。