n. (名词)
- 树,乔木; 树状灌木
- 木制用品,木制物
- <古>绞架,十字架,绞首台
- 世系图,家谱
- 木料,木材
- 树状物
- 特里(音译名)
- 木构件
- 鞋楦
- 【化】树状晶体
- 木制的
- 使处于困境;使…走投无路
- 把…赶上树,赶上树躲避
- 穷追
- 把鞋型插入(鞋内),用鞋楦楦(鞋)
- 在…上植树
n. (名词)
- [C]树,乔木 large (usually tall) long-lasting type of plant, having a thick central wooden stem (the trunk) from which wooden branches grow, usually bearing leaves
a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
a figure that branches from a single root;
"genealogical tree"
English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)
force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
plant with trees;
"this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer"
chase an animal up a tree;
"the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it"
"her dog likes to tree squirrels"
stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree
用作名词 (n.)
- We plant trees and flowers in spring.
我们在春天种花种树。 - In the storm I took shelter under the tree.
暴风雨时,我正在树下躲避。 - She sat very still under the tree.
她在树底下静静地坐着。 - Dates showered down when we shook the tree.
我们摇树时,枣子纷纷落下。 - The tree was fenced around with wire.
那棵树被铁丝网围了起来。 - A family tree means a history in that family.
用作名词 (n.)
- bark up the wrong tree
把某事物搞错了,错怪了人 be mistaken about sth
- grow on trees
多,易获得等 be plentiful, easily obtained, etc.
用作名词 (n.)
- blow down a tree (风)将树刮倒
- blow off a tree 从树上吹落
- climb a tree 爬树
- cut down a tree 伐树
- fell a tree 砍倒一棵树
- fertilize a tree 给树施肥
- grow a tree 栽树
- hang from the full trees 挂满枝头
- live in a tree 生活在树上
- love trees 爱护树木
- nail to a tree 钉在树上
- nurse a tree 培育树木
- plant a tree 植树
- protect trees 保护树木
- raise tree 种植树木
- shake a tree 晃动树
- transplant a tree 移植树
- bare tree 光秃秃的树
- beautiful tree 美丽的树
- big tree 大树
- bushy tree 灌木似的树
- dangerous tree 危险的树
- dead tree 枯死的树
- fallen tree 倒在地上的树
- green tree 绿树
- huge tree 大树
- monumental tree 纪念树
- most trees 大部分树木
- old tree 古树
- rare tree 稀有的树
- rotten tree 腐烂的树
- several trees 几棵树
- shady tree 多荫的树
- small tree 小树
- some trees 几棵树
- still tree 一动也不动的树木
- strange tree 奇怪的树
- tall tree 高树
- thick tree 茂密的树木
- young tree 小树,树苗
- apple tree 苹果树
- Christmas tree 圣诞树
- fruit tree 果树
- pine tree 松树
- rose tree 玫瑰树
- shade tree 能遮阴的树
- family tree 家谱
- among the trees 在树丛中
- in a tree 在树上
- shade of a tree 树阴
- the top of the tree 树冠
- trunk of a tree 树干
- on a tree 树上
- under a tree 在树下
- tree on streets 沿街两侧的树
A biggish clump of treessfirs mostly, with a few ashes and beeches.
出自: J. Buchan -
His father..was treed by a grizzly in Yellowstone Park.
出自: K. Vonnegut
- tree 树
- shrub 灌木
- sapling 树苗
- corner 角落
- family tree 系谱
- conifer 针叶树
- stock 存货
- seedling 幼苗
- plant 植物
- descent 下降
- timber 木材
- evergreen 常绿的
- gibbet 绞架
- gallows 绞刑架
- cross 穿过
- tree diagram 树形图
- stump 残株
- nail 钉子
- fruit tree 果树
- bush 灌木丛
- timber tree 成材木
- hardwood tree 阔叶树
- softwood tree 针叶树
- diagram 图解
- hierarchy 等级制度
- pyramid 金字塔
- graphic 生动的
- gallows tree 绞架
- line of descent 血统系, 同一血脉的后代...
- of 关于
- line 线
- family 家庭
- fruit 果实
- softwood 软木材
- hardwood 硬木
- hanging 悬挂着的
- into 到 ... 里
- a 英语字母表的第一个字母...
- up 向上
- chase 追捕
- drive 开车
- hole 洞
- put 放
- shoetree 鞋楦
- in 在 ... 里
- one 一
- back 后面