- tree ring width chronology 年轮宽度年表
- Tree ring width chronologies of Zhen'an and Foping, Qinling Mountains region 秦岭镇安和佛坪地区树轮宽度年表的建立
- The design and realization on interaction system between ancient tree ring width and its influencing factors 古树名木年轮宽度及其影响因子相互关系系统的设计与实现
- Spring Precipitation Reconstructed in the East of the Qilian Mountain During the Last 280 a by Tree Ring Width 利用树轮宽度重建近280 a来祁连山东部地区的春季降水
- Response of Contemporary Tree Ring Width of Pinus tabulaeformis to Climate Change at South Margin of Tengger Desert, China 腾格里沙漠南缘油松树轮宽度变化及其对气候因子的响应
- The relationship between tree ring chronology and climatic factors was studied by correlation analysis. 利用相关分析的方法计算了年轮宽度指数和气候要素间的相关关系,发现5月份的降水与年表的相关最好。
- tree ring width record 树轮宽度记录
- tree rings width 树木年轮宽度
- For the first 600 years of the 1,000-year chronology, he claims, researchers used tree rings alone to gauge temperature and only those from four separate locations. 他主张,就过去1000年的头600年而言,研究者只利用树木的年轮来估计气温,而且树轮只取自四处不同的地点而已。
- This is by far the longest tree ring dating chronology in China, which can be used as a reference for ring-width dating for trees from the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China. 文章所建的树轮定年年表是国内目前最长的连续年表,它可为我国西北干旱-半干旱区树轮长序列的定年提供标尺。
- The absolute moisture content of green wood,bark percentage and growth ring width are 96.9%,12.99% and 22.82 mm respectively. 树皮率为12.;99%25; 生长轮宽度平均为22
- tree-ring width chronology of spruce 云杉树轮宽度
- From pith outward, ring width becomes narrower gradually, and no significant relationship between ring width and cambium age is found. 年轮宽度由髓心向外逐渐变窄,但年轮宽度与树木年龄回归显著性不高,相关系数均小于0.;5。
- Ring width and sapwood width of diseased poplar decreased significantly than that of healthy poplar, but sapwood portion was same. 受害材的边材宽度和年轮宽度均小于健康材,边材率无显著差异。
- Oh, red leaves, I've read your poetic message in the tree rings. 红叶,我在树木的年轮里读过你的文章。
- A 1 835 a tree-ring chronologies has been established based on tree ring samples from Dulan region, Qinghai. 根据青海都兰地区树木年轮样本建立了目前我国最长的年轮年表序列。
- Tree-ring width chronology of ancient Chinese pine in Shenyang City 沈阳市区古油松年轮宽度年表的建立
- The tree ring sample, which was taken from Mount. Chinghai Nanshanof the Kilienshan region on May 30, 1976, belongs to Sabina przewalskiiKom. 本文采用的树木年轮标本;1976年5月30日采自祁连山地区青海南山;海拔3670米;它属祁连山园柏(Sabina przewalskii Kom.;)
- The reasonable methods were developed for establishing tree-ring width chronologies of Larix gmelinii (larch) plantations in Northeast China. 摘要以东北地区人工林长白落叶松为研究对象,论述了合理建立其生长轮宽度年表的方法。