- Discards all changes that have been made to a transacted stream since the last Commit call. 放弃自从上次Commit调用以来对事务处理流所做的所有更改。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- This transaction is nothing less than a miracle. 这笔交易完全是一个奇迹。
- He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他见到我就连声辱骂。
- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
- He uttered a stream of profanities. 他说出了一连串不敬的话。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- Teenagers often go against the stream. 青少年经常反潮流而动。
- The new plant comes on stream in March. 新工厂将於三月份投产。
- He be50 pound out of pocket by the transaction. 他在那次交易中赔了五十英镑。
- He bathed in many a limpid stream. 他在许多清澈的溪流中沐浴。
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我们的花园有一边以小河为界。
- A preliminary draft or record of a transaction. 条约草案合约的预备性的草案或纪录
- He was 50 pounds out of pocket by the transaction. 他在那次交易中赔了五十英镑。
- There was no middleman in this transaction. 这笔交易没有中间人。
- I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano. 我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。
- He came out with a stream of abuse. 他讲了一连串的污言秽语。
- The transaction between them was dismissed. 他们之间的交易告吹了。
- The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction. 该报纸发布证券交易所每日股票买卖的一览表。
- Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled. 那项交易已取消了,请从分类帐上划去那笔帐目。