- touch one's cap to 以手触帽对…表示敬礼
- You should put on your thinking cap to solve this problem. 你必须仔细考虑一下解决这个问题。
- Tax free. IRS can't touch one cent. 免税的,税局碰不到一分钱!
- Some of the more haughty of aristocracy did take exception at his neglecting to raise his cap to them. 一些较为傲慢的贵族对于他不记得向他们脱帽致敬大为不满。
- The snowflakes melt the moment they touch one's hand. 雪沾手就化。
- It was a feather in his cap to win the Nobel Prize. 获得诺贝尔奖对他是至高的荣誉。
- Add protective cap to electrical connector. 把联线端的保护帽盖上。
- The play touched one to the depths of one's soul. 这出剧感人肺腑。
- Please tie up the cover and the cap to avoid moisture inside. 产品使用期间请旋紧盒盖及出口盖,避免内部潮湿。
- Photo Gallery: Sydney Bondi Beach A galah bird alights on a lifeguard’s cap. 意译:悉尼的Bondi海滨图片集。一只galah鸟落在一位救生员的帽子上。
- One of two flaps attached to a cap to keep the ears warm. 帽子上面两个可以护耳御寒的帽瓣。
- Sight, but still the simpler, quieter things touch one so much more deeply. 越是简单,越是宁静的事物越能深深的触动人的心灵。
- You might want a hat or cap to shield your eyes from the sun. 你可能想要一顶帽子或者软帽,来挡住眼睛使其不受阳光的伤害。
- To bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship. 屈单膝屈膝或一膝着地以示敬慕
- There’s no one to touch him in music. 在音乐方面他无人可比。
- Even their uniform makes them look bigger thanks to the pointed grenadier’s cap;a tricorne gets in the way of a good throw. 甚至连他们的服装都有其特殊之处:掷弹兵制服让他们看起来更为高大,尖顶军帽可以使得投掷炸弹更加方便。
- Then he touched one and realized. 接著碰触其中一具尸体才承认是真的.
- They threw up their caps to show greeting to us. 他们把帽子抛起来,表示对我们的欢迎。
- Only unconditional love was present. When we touch one heart, we really do touch the world! 当你能感动一个人的内心时,你确实也感动了全世界。
- And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it. 一个使性的女人,就像一池受到搅动的泉水,混浊可憎,失去一切的美丽,无论怎样喉干吻渴的人,也不愿把它啜饮一口。