- to wail someone's death 哀悼某人的逝世
- The child started to wail when the nurse come over with a syringe. 当护士拿著针筒走过来时,孩子便嚎啕大哭起来。
- I tried to comfort Jone after her mother' s death. 琼的母亲去逝以后我尽力劝慰她。
- One shalt be sent to foresee mankind's death! (“有人可以被派去预知人类的毁灭吗?)
- To wail in lamentation, especially for the dead. 恸哭,哀号,尤指为死者
- The women gathered around and began to wail. 妇女们围拢在一起,开始嚎啕大哭。
- His father' s death stunned him. 他父亲的死使他惊愕不已。
- One of the small children began to wail with terror. 这群小孩中的一个吓得开始大哭。
- Mount a massive probe of sb.'s death. 广泛调查某人之死。
- We mourn over the child 's death. 我们悲悼这孩子的死。
- On George VI 's death , Elizabeth II succeeded. 乔治六世死后,由伊丽莎白二世承袭了他的王位。
- Who will benefit from the old man''s death? 那位老人死后,谁将是受益人?
- The magician foretold the man 's death. 魔法师预言了那个人的死期。
- His wife’s death nearly finished Thompson too. 老伴一死,汤普森差点儿随她而去。
- The child start to wail when the nurse come over with a syringe. 当护士拿著针筒走过来时,孩子便嚎啕大哭起来。
- The magician foretold the man 's death . 魔法师预言了那个人的死期。
- Hamlet revenged his father''s death. 哈姆雷特为他死去的父 亲报了仇.
- And he began to wail aloud, for every pity of himself. 说到这里,他越想自己越可怜,放声大哭起来。
- Dumbledore’s death was planned between them! 邓布利多的死是他们老早计划好了的!
- Hearing his mother cry, the child also began to wail. 看见妈哭,孩子也哭了;