- I don't think it's good to hawk on such a thing. 我认为在这种事情上采取强硬手段没有必要。
- The tribes like to hawk in the desert. 这些部落喜欢在沙漠中带鹰打猎。
- A well-tested warhead design is both easier to hawk and more lucrative to sell. 一套经过测试的核弹头设计既容易拿来兜售,也更有利可图。
- Bush wants to spend $300 million a year to hawk the value of marriage to welfare mothers. 布什打算每年拨款3亿美金来帮助母亲们感受到婚姻的价值,向她们提供更多的福利。
- At first I had difficulty in getting my books accepted, and had to hawk them around from firm until one agreed that they were worth printing. 起初我很难使出版商接受我的书,于是我不得不一个公司一个公司地四处游说,后来终于有一家同意我的书有出版价值。
- At first Tom had difficulty in getting his books accepted, and had to hawk them around from firm to firm until one agreed that they were worth printing. 起初汤姆难于使出版商接受他的书;他不得不一个公司一个公司地四处游说直到有一家终于同意他的书有出版价值。
- Illegal traders are using the recession to hawk rip-off clothing, perfume and music tapes. 不法商贩利用经济不景气,走街串巷地叫卖偷窃来的衣服、香水和音乐磁带。
- At first I had difficulty in getting my books accepted,and had to hawk them around from firm until one agreed that they were worth printing. 起初我很难使出版商接受我的书,于是我不得不一个公司一个公司地四处游说,后来终于有一家同意我的书有出版价值。
- At first Tom had difficulty in getting his books accepted,and had to hawk them around from firm to firm until one agreed that they were worth printing. 起初汤姆难于使出版商接受他的书;他不得不一个公司一个公司地四处游说直到有一家终于同意他的书有出版价值。
- To finance the bridge, lots along the roadway were rented out to merchants, especially butchers and tanners, to hawk their wares. 为集资重建,路边的地段出租给商家,尤其是屠夫和皮匠,给他们兜售商品。
- Humans are beginning to return to such a state in the nonphysical through ascension,and this is the most beautiful of all to Hawk. 藉由提升,人类正开始回归非物质层的这一状态,在鹰看来,它是其中最美丽的篇章。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- If the US, UK and other westerners were foolish enough to hawk their future by spending unearned money, they need look no further than the mirror. 倘若美国、英国及其它西方国家愚蠢到以超前消费的方式兜售他们的未来,他们所需要做的就是揽镜自照。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- "Receipts, receipts" they brazenly shout, trying to hawk fake paid invoices from hotels, restaurants or office supply companies. “发票,发票”,她们厚颜无耻地大声吆喝着,试图兜售宾馆、饭店或办公用品公司开具的假发票。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。