Continuous energy flows include geothermal, solar, and tidal energy. 源源不绝的能源包括地热,太阳能和潮汐能。
As for tidal power, developers in the promising Cook Inlet must contend with glacial silt scouring turbines and partial freezing of the water in wintertime, says Mr Lockard. 在潮汐能开发方面,洛克德称,库克湾的开发商们必须要应对冰川中的泥沙对涡轮机的刮蹭,以及严冬时期海水的微冻。
Like our energy levels, the tides of the ocean have a consistent ebb and flow. 海洋潮汐与我们身体能量潮汐的退潮和流动一致。