- What you just said is completely off the track. 你刚才讲的话彻底离题了。
- We were thrown off the track in looking for his house by some confusing directions. 由于方向混淆不清,我们找他的房子时,迷了路。
- It was unfortunate that the police were put off the track by the man's seemingly excellent alibi. 不幸的是,那人非常巧妙地证明自己当时不在现场,这使警方迷失了方。
- The car spun right off the track. 汽车完全开出了车道。
- He limped off the track with a right foot injury. 他的右脚受伤,一瘸一拐地离开了跑道。
- He longed to throw off the mask of respectability. 他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。
- He began to throw off the effects of his illness. 他开始摆脱病魔的纠缠。
- They went by a different route to throw off the hostile Indians off their track. 他们走另外一条路以迷惑心怀敌意的印第安人。
- throw off the track 摆脱
- He finally threw off the effects of the illness. 他最后总算摆脱了这个病的后遗影响。
- She threw off the Bondsthat held her. 她摆脱控制着她的束缚。
- She threw off the Bonds that held her. 她摆脱控制着她的束缚。
- Wang Jin-xi would like to throw off the hat of China poor of oil. 王进喜想甩掉中国贫油帽子。
- Not to drive train off the tracks. 汤姆:不要把火车开出轨。
- In 1783 the American colonies throw off the yoke of England. 北美殖民地于1783年摆脱了英国的统治。
- They threw off the yoke of domination. 他们摆脱了控制。
- So throw off the bowlines .Sail away from the safe harbor. 所以解开缆绳,扬帆离开那个安全的港湾。
- So throw off the bowlines.Sail away from the safe harbor. 所以,离开安全的港口,扬起帆、迎着风起航吧!
- The movement was sudden; but he who watched her was not thrown off the guard by it. 这个动作是突然的,可是盯着她的人并没有因此而放松警惕。
- An earthquake caused the train to run off the track. 一场地震使火车脱轨了。