- It had a set of mental shackles to deceive, threaten and intimidate people. 它有一套蒙骗、恐吓、胁迫群众的精神“紧箍咒”。
- The army has no business coming in, and this is only to threaten and intimidate the public. 这不关军队的事,这只不过是威胁和恐吓群众而已。”
- Do everything you can to stay away from the threatening and intimidating person.Don't stay alone with a person who touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or makes you feel unsafe. 不要和那个用你不自在的方式触摸你的人单独在一起,想一切办法离开他,离开威胁和恐吓。
- Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused. 报道此案的新闻记者遭到了恐吓和谩骂。
- I could understand how she would become defensive and intimidated. 我完全懂得她们是怎么变得谨小慎微,战战兢兢的了。
- The Nazi regime represents the apex of oppression and intimidation. 纳粹统治代表了压迫与恫吓的极点。
- More calls followed with threatening and obscene messages. 但之后的电话都夹杂着恐吓和猥亵的词语。
- It can be clever and flirtatious, or sexist and intimidating. 它可能是机巧的、轻浮的,也可能是大男子主义的、恐吓的。
- Then others feel threatening and begin to condamn boss in private. 其他员工会感觉到威胁,并在私下里职责老板。
- His method of persuasion involves both charm and intimidation. 连哄带吓是他说服别人的方式。
- But Bloom often looks overmatched and intimidated onscreen. 他也许该暂停几年历史题材电影的拍摄。
- The Government detained individuals administratively to suppress dissent and intimidate others. 政府行政拘留个人以此压制异议与恐吓其他人。
- Militant Islam condemns and intimidates and kills Muslims before anyone else. 穆斯林武装分子非难、恐吓和杀害穆斯林自己人在先。
- Wortzel says those who dismiss the report ignore China’s potential to threaten and impede U.S. military operations in limited areas for extended periods of time. 伍尔泽说;那些解雇的报告无视中国的潜在威胁;并阻碍美国的军事行动;在有限的空间长时间.
- After the war, southern whites used lynching to terrorize and intimidate freed blacks who were voting and assuming political power. 战后,私刑是恐怖主义的一种型式,用来威吓自由的黑人投票和取得政治力量。
- They resented Paul's choice of Timothy as pastor and did everything they could to discredit and intimidate the young man. 他们非常不满保罗选派提摩太当牧师,因此,他们尽一切力量羞辱及吓阻这位年轻人。
- The arms are quite large and intimidating, with huge rotating guns on both. 手臂粗壮,有威慑力。是旋转的大炮。
- Meanwhile, Yao has no chance at keeping up with the much faster Gasol, but he can be physical enough with him to try and intimidate the Spaniard. 同时,姚明要跟住速度更快的加索尔是不大可能,但是他的身体足够去顶住和威胁西班牙人。
- The lowering clouds threaten rain. 这阴霾的云层预示即将下雨。
- Throughout the 20th century, small groups of men seized control of great nations, built armies and arsenals, and set out to dominate the weak and intimidate the world. 在整个20世纪,一小撮人控制了一些重要国家,穷兵黩武企图弱肉强食、恐吓世界。