"on the other hand, she is too ambitious for her own good"
"then again, she might not go"
then again的用法和样例:
But then the Yugoslav made his big mistake. 但另一方面南斯拉夫犯了他的大错误。
He is a good fellow, but then he is so erratic. 他是个好人,但是另一方面,他又是那样的乖僻。
And then there are the cars made in factories. 还有工厂制造的汽车。
Again some believed that he was a Tsarist agent. 还有人相信他是俄罗斯间谍。
If the file was loaded OK, the program then dumps all known service details to stdout. 反之,装入文件正确的话,程序会在标准输出上列出所有可知的服务细节。
Paying upon a false debt incurs karma in the other direction, which then must be paid in return by the soul involved at some future point in time. 支付虚假债务将导致另一方向的业力,将必须在未来某个时间由相关灵魂反之偿清。
Don't ask that again, or I will grill your ass. 不要再过问这件事,否则我会让你死的!
Let us hurry up, or we may be late again. 我们快一点吧,否则的话,我们又要迟到了。