- the whims of fashion 时尚的变化多端
- My duties seem to change daily at the whim of the boss. 我的职责似乎随着老板的兴致每天改变。
- Using a treeview to represent arbitrary objects organized in an arbitrary fashion at the whim of a programmer is asking for big trouble when it comes to usability. 程序员一时兴起以一种武断的方式来采用树形视图表现随意的对象,在可用性方面会遇到很大的问题。
- Everyone was entirely subject to the whim of the Sultan. 所有人都完全听命于苏丹王,由着他随心所欲。
- But to grow to full stature the wheat must wait on the whims of nature. 同样,我也要健全自己的身体和心灵,以实现自己的梦想。
- Whether or not it then gets the carrot depends on the whim of the mule driver. 那时候它是否吃得到这串萝卜,得看驴夫的高兴。
- Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly. 俚语常常很快地流行,又很快地过时。
- This is not just the whim of a few veteran comrades: it is an objective and pressing need of our modernization drive. 这是国家现代化建设事业客观存在的迫切需要,并不是一些老同志心血来潮提出的问题。
- The era (when) everything goes is now gone forever. (The) government will no longer be run on the whims of individuals. “什么都行的年代现在已经一去不复返。政治不再靠个人心血来潮。”肯尼亚总统齐贝吉在就职典礼上演讲时提到。
- All the clothing at the store is out of fashion. 这店里的衣服都不流行了。
- The zone boundaries zigzag capriciously according to the whims of the local population. 按照当地居民的意愿,时区界线被划分得弯弯曲曲。
- It has grown out of fashion [date]. 它已经不时兴[过时]了。
- In the short term, though, the prospects of a business so dependent on the whims of politicians are bound to be uncertain. 从短期来看,的确,一项如此依赖于政客朝令夕改的产业前景终将有极大的不确定性。
- In practice, of course, farmers will still be hostage to the whims of the collective and its often ugly human faces. 当然在实际上,农民们仍将被当作头脑发热的集体所有制和人性丑恶面的牺牲品。
- Paris remains the bellwether of fashion industry. 在服装行业,巴黎仍然保持者领头羊的地位。
- IF EVER an industry had reason to complain about the whims of the stockmarket, it would be investment banking. 如果说有一个行业有理由抱怨股票市场的变幻莫测的话,那应该是投资银行业。
- The Chinese tunic suit is out of fashion now. 现在不兴中山装了。
- The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of many. 关键就在于,选择一个高明的领导者,而不是被群众的胡想所左右。
- She wore a hat quite out of fashion. 她戴著一顶完全过时的帽子。
- Bow to the whims of an ancient plague, the power to mystify and a cure of your own inner demons. 弓对古老瘟疫、力量迷惑和您自己的内在邪魔治疗的异想天开。