- According to the theory of literary intersubjectivity, literature is regarded as a existential way between subjects. 摘要依据文学交流的主体间性理论,文学被视为主体间的存在方式。
- He has made a number of new achievements in the theory of literary and art this year. 他今年在文艺理论研究领域颇有创获。
- For a long time, the theory of literary criticism in China has been difficult to vie with that in Western countries for lack of a system. 长期以来,中国文学批评理论缺乏体系,难以与西方文学批评理论相抗衡。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- This thesis tries to discuss the problem of translation from novels of western realism into Chinese by means of the theory of literary stylistics. 本文试图运用文学文体学的理论来探讨西方现实主义小说的中文翻译问题。
- Philosophy supplies the theory of literary history with the cognitions of ontology such as the possibility of literary history, the subject or object of the theory, the purpose of the learning, etc. 摘要哲学提供了关于文学史学的本体论认知,诸如文学史何以可能,文学史是主观还是客观,文学史的目的何在,等等。
- Researchers have drawn upon the theory of games. 研究人员引用了对策论。
- A specialist in the theory of education. 教育家教育理论方面的专家
- the theory of Literary Self - consciousness “文学自觉”说
- the theory of literary styles and trends 文质
- the theory of literary mode of production 文学生产方式理论
- Einstein advanced the theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的理论。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- The theory of linear economic models gale d. 线性经济模型理论。
- On the theory of language holograph? 何为语言全息论?
- The magazine was the marketplace of literary theory. 那本杂志是文学理论激战之论坛。
- Analysis on the theory of the EFP. 财政政策有效性理论剖析。
- What is the theory of the Five Elements? 什么是五行学说?
- I believe in the theory of evolution. 我对进化论深信不疑。
- So it is with the theory of the pendulum. 政局摆动理论也是如此。