- Let the living and the dying seal our comradeship. 让活着的人和行将死去的人对我们的同志情谊作出庄严的保证吧。
- In their memory, in devotion to our great cause, let the living and the dying seal our comradeship. 为着纪念他们,为着忠诚于我们的伟大事业,让活下去的人和可能要死的人共同保证我们的同志友爱。
- Many of the common materials of the earth's crust may alternate between the living and the nonliving states. 地球表面上有许多普通的状之都可能在有生命和无生命中交替。
- The festival honours both the living and the dead. 这节日既庆祝生者也颂祝死者。
- 9.In their memory, in devotion to our great cause, let the living and the dying seal our comradeship. 为着 纪念他们, 为着 忠诚于我们的伟大事业,让活下去的人和可能要死的人共同保证我们的同志友爱。
- The festival celebrates both the living and the dead. 这节日既庆祝生者也颂死者。
- He shall come again from there to judge the living and the dead. 将来必从那里降临,审判活人死人;
- He shall come again to judge the living and the dead. 将来必降临,审判活人死人;
- He stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped. 他站在活人死人中间,瘟疫就止住了。
- From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. 将来必从彼处降临,审判活人死人。
- Cob opens the doors between the worlds of the living and the dead in order to gain eternal life, and plans to kill Ged who is in the way. 在此时,喀布正打算再次开启生死之界来获得永恒的生命,并密谋杀死察觉事变而正在赶来的格得。
- The killed and the dying lay on the battlefield . 死者和垂死者横卧沙场。
- Wilder, a master stylist, weaves a meditation on life: "There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning. 追求优美的文学大师怀尔德编造出一种对生活的沉思: “连接生与死之地的桥梁是爱,只有爱得以免于死灭,只有爱具有意义。”
- The end of living and the beginning of survival. 生命的终点和生命的开始。
- But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 他们必在那将要审判活人死人的主面前交账。
- That fateful bridge has often been compared to the Naiho Bridge between the realms of the living and the dead. 那条生命攸关的桥常被人比作奈何桥,连接著人间与冥界。
- All the trees, the living and the dead, are clothed with green and silver crusts of lichens. 林间万木,或荣或枯,皆为苍苔尽染,绿满周身。绒绒苔色,簇簇丛丛。
- Elizabeth Bennet, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Bennet girls, overhears the newcomer making condescending remarks about the local provincial society. 伊丽莎白在班纳特家姑娘中是最活泼、最聪慧的一位,她无意中听到这位新来者十分高傲地贬评当地庸俗的社交界。
- It feels more like a deft act of collaboration between the living and the dead, one melding easily with the other. 如果这是一种巧妙的抄袭的话,我们读来完全感觉不到,更想是逝者和在者的完美合奏,轻松而优美。
- The earth belong to the living and not to the dead. 世界属于生者,不属于死者。