- Can you tell me the exact number? 你能告诉我正确的数字吗?
- They even gave the exact number of casualties. 连具体数字都有。
- About six thousand. I don't know the exact number. 大约六千人。我不知道确切数字。
- We need the exact number of the attendants as soon as possible. 我们需尽快知道与会人员的准确数字。
- The exact number of people suffering from this infection is unknown. 目前,受感染人群的数量还没有得到确切统计。
- Optionally specify the exact number of keys that the aggregation expects. 根据需要,可以指定聚合所需的键的精确数目。
- The exact number is still a moving target, but it will be dramatic’. 中银发言人拒绝评论有关传闻。
- At present we are not certain about the exact number of minority nationalities in the southwest. 西南的少数民族究竟有多少,现在还不清楚。
- Take Beijing for example. It should not be difficult to find out the exact number of criminal gangs in Beijing and who belongs to them. 比如说北京市,流氓犯罪集团到底有多少,有哪些人,是不难搞清楚的。
- The editor at once sent the journalist a telegram instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall. 编辑立即给这位记者发了一份电报,叫他查明台阶的准确数目以及围墙的高度。
- Optionally specify the exact number of distinct values that the aggregation can write. 根据需要,可以指定聚合能够写入的非重复值的精确数目。
- I referred to my watch for the exact time. 我看了一下手表好知道准确的时间。
- In spite of frequent inspections the next day, the exact number could not be determined. 尽管经常巡查第二天,确切人数无法确定。
- To find the exact number of cases in a node, pause the pointer over the node to view an InfoTip for the node. 若要查找某节点的准确事例数,请将指针放在该节点上以查看该节点的提示信息。
- In the Advanced display, optionally specify the exact number of keys that the aggregation can write. 在“高级”显示中,根据需要指定聚合可写入的键的精确数目。
- What is the exact size of the room? 这个房间的确切面积是多少?
- Scientists believe there are 140,000 varieties of cultivated rice, but no one knows the exact number. 科学家相信共有14万个培植稻米品种,但没有人知道确切的数字。
- Whatever the exact number is, veterinary, medical and insurance experts agree: dog bites are on the rise. 不管确切的数字是多少,兽医、医疗和保险专家都一致认为:被狗咬的人数在上升。
- I don't know the exact terms of the contract. 我不知道合同的正确条款。
- For the questions above,I searched for the exact number of Chinese in IFCC and UNFCCC via the internet purposely. 为了这些问题,我特地上了上网,察看我们在IFCC和UNFCCC里有多少我们中国的气候专家。