- It throws the emphasis on the other word. 这把重点转移到了另一个词上。
- We put the emphasis on opposing Han chauvinism. 我们着重反对大汉族主义。
- Our company puts the emphasis on quality. 我们公司重视质量。
- He puts the emphasis on discipline in his teaching. 他在教学中十分强调纪律。
- Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing. 老师们对太着重考查成绩的现象表示担忧。
- Lost Dunes. A private golf club, with the emphasis on golf. 迷失沙丘,着重于一个私人的高尔夫俱乐部!
- Accordingly, long rainbow puts the emphasis on flat TV. 因此,长虹将重点放在平板电视上。
- You need to put the emphasis on the second syllable. 你应该在第二个音节上加强语气。
- the emphasis on force 把重点放在武力
- It concluded with approval of the emphasis on the agrarian movement. 它的结论是赞成把重点放在土地运动上。
- The emphasis here is on hard work, not enjoyment. 这里至关重要的是努力工作,而不是享乐。
- One was the emphasis on the fact that other regions of WIPO had to be included. 第一就是强调事实上技术援助也应该包括WIPO的其他地区。
- The emphasis on spices, vegetable and grain dishes make it light and healthy. 黎巴嫩菜着重香料的使用,以蔬菜和谷物为主,菜肴健康清淡。
- The emphasis on hardware makes even the newest phones here surprisingly bulky. 强调硬体配备,以致连最新款手机都大得令人吃惊。
- The emphasis on the minimum nozzle length was carried to the limit with the design of nozzle with sharpedged throats. 强调最小喷管长度转向采用锐边喉管道的喷管设计的极限值。
- A second important characteristic of the religious practice in the United States today is the emphasis on social problems and humanitarian ideals rather than on the Calvinistic concern with individual sin. 今天,美国宗教惯常做法另一个主要特征,是把重点放在社会问题和人道主义理想方面,而不是放在按照加尔文教义对个人的罪恶表示忧虑方面。
- The emphasis on the object of IW is distributed evenly among technological assets and human behavioral elements. It's ultimate objective is the combat power potential of an opposing force. 信息战拓击的重点目标,既有技术资产要素,又有人的行为要素,其最终目标是对方军队的战斗潜力。
- There is high level of equality in Wicca with the emphasis on the circle and the lack of any preaching. 在巫术崇拜里有着高度的平等,强调圆圈(代表平等),不要强行灌输。
- In this business when you start putting the emphasis on counting money rather than getting. 在我们这个行业,当你开始关心数钞票,胜于做好广告及服务客户时,很快的,你就会发现没有多少钞票可数。
- History as usually written puts the emphasis on national differences to the neglect of national similarities. 一般写出来的历史总强调各国的不同之点,而忽略各国的相似之处。