- Austria Saar Basin Sibao follow beat!!! 首页>>风景名胜>>奥地利萨尔斯堡随拍!!!
- the Saar Basin 萨尔煤矿区
- The Saar branch wonderful accuses Royall's speech to be irresponsible. 萨尔科奇则指责罗亚尔的讲话不负责任。
- Royall warns, if the Saar branch wonderfully wins, then the French society will fall into the "violence and brutal abyss". 罗亚尔警告说,如果萨尔科奇获胜,那么法国社会将坠入"暴力与残酷的深渊"。
- Last year the Saarland group designed a new chip that can run many ray-tracing calculations in parallel. 萨尔兰大学的研究小组去年设计出新晶片,可平行执行多项光迹追踪运算。
- How angry I was with myself because of the time I had wasted, the lessons I had missed, running about after nests, or sliding on the Saar! 法语就到此为止了!我现在是多么悔恨自己蹉跎光阴啊!悔恨自己从前逃课去掏鸟窝,去萨尔河溜冰!
- The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs. 金属盆子沿着石阶滚了下去,发出咣啷声。
- The basin was brim-full (of water). 盆(里的水)已经满到边了。
- In November voters in Ensdorf, in the Saarland, blocked the construction of a euro 2 billion ($2.9 billion) coal-fired plant. 去年11月,在萨尔州的恩斯多夫,公民就投票否决了一项价值2亿欧元的火电厂的建设。
- He first poured some water in the basin. 他先在脸盆里倒了一些水。
- The basin is made of synthetic resin. 这个盆是用合成树脂做的。
- On New Year's Day Hitler threw eight German divisions into an attack in the Saar and followed it with a thrust from the bridgehead on the Upper Rhine by an army under the command of--to the German generals this was a bad joke--Heinrich Himmler. 元旦那天,希特勒以八个师的兵力攻打萨尔区,继之以海因里希 - 希姆莱率领的一个集团军从莱因河上游的桥头堡发动进攻。 在德国将领们看来,让希姆莱带兵简直是开玩笑。
- In 1991, Olivier and her husband was "too hung up", fled to Belgium in from France, called the Saar custines a small village bought a house and settled down, raising 3-year-old son Selim. 1991年,奥利维耶和丈夫感到“风声太紧”,便从法国逃到比利时,在一个名为萨尔屈斯蒂讷的小村边买下一所农舍安家,抚养3岁儿子塞利姆。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。