- What are some telltale signs of the wrong boss? 那么,差劲的老板是否有一些典型特征呢?
- Q. What are some telltale signs of workaholism? 问:工作狂有哪些明显可见的徵兆?
- And scientists are now beginning to recognize these telltale signs. 科学家们现在开始对这些泄露黑洞秘密的征兆有所认识。
- He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals. 他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的病徵。
- Small bulges are also telltale signs of hidden motions inside the sun. 小的凸起也同样是隐藏在太阳内部的活动迹象。
- We will search for its telltale signs of the darkness of deep space. 并在黑暗中寻找他的蛛丝马迹.;(我们将寻找昭示它的存在的宇宙中的黑暗),
- There are a number of telltale signs that an application is leaking memory. 很多迹象能够表明应用程序正在发生内存泄漏。
- There were small telltale signs which suggested that the commune was not just average. 有些迹象说明该公社并不具有普遍性。
- The region's small size and its intense glow are telltale signs of a very young, massive star. 这个区域的大小和快速的增长,无不说明了年轻的大质量恒星的存在。
- Yet another way of identifying disks is to detect the telltale signs of disk material flowing onto the central object. 另一种鑑别气盘的方法是侦测气盘物质流入中心物体时,所发出的指示讯号。
- No one living today has ever experienced a full-blown superstorm, but telltale signs of them have turned up in some surprising places. 目前活著的人没有人经历过真正的超级风暴,但是在某些意想不到的地方却能找到这些风暴的遗迹。
- It no longer waits for allegations to arrive at its door, or over its 24-hour hotline, but screens reams of contracts looking for telltale signs. 它不再坐等指控主动上门,或是24小时热线举报,而是审视厚厚的合同以寻找证据的痕迹。
- Etched into its arms and tail, alternating bands of large and small scales provide telltale signs of how this animal may have really looked. 它的前肢和尾巴上,交替的大小鳞片带明确地告诉我们这只动物实际上看起来是怎样的。
- Telltale signs of a spy‘s handiwork included rambling letters with no apparent point, often sent to neutral countries with too many stamps. 德国间谍的信件特点包含,没有谈话重点、通常寄往中立国度、信封上贴着过多的邮票。
- Telltale signs of a spy's handiwork included rambling letters with no apparent point, often sent to neutral countries with too many stamps. 德国间谍的信件特点包括,没有谈话重点、通常寄往中立国家、信封上贴着过多的邮票。
- "Every time I look at the film of the games over and over again, there's certain possessions out there, a lot of telltale signs out there. “当我一遍又一遍的看比赛录像的时候,每次都能有所收获,有所启迪。
- But, just when I think I am getting there-I learn over the National Day weekend, that a red door is the telltale sign of a brothel. 但是,当我以为自己已经很不错了,在国庆日的那个周末,我才知道原来把门漆上红色是向人暗示这房子是间妓院。
- One of the telltale signs: inconsistencies, such as when someone is telling you no and shaking his head yes, or saying he regrets something while using an unremorseful tone. 其中揭秘的迹象有:矛盾不一,比如一个人告诉你说不是却又点头,或者说他后悔某事却是用一种并非懊悔的口吻。
- The telltale signs are ominous: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food and a shower, while grades plummet and belligerence soars. 躲在房间里,忽视朋友,家人,甚至食物,和洗澡,分数滑落,好斗性增加---这些“会给家长们告密的"都是不详征兆。
- Gravitational interactions between galaxies in the group have also left telltale signs, including the warped and inflated disk of NGC 3628 and the drawn out spiral arms of M66. 这组星系之间的重力作用造成了一些明显的效应,其中包括NGC 3628 扭曲且膨胀的星系盘,以及M66被拉长的漩涡臂。