When the FIFA executives had absorbed the potential value of the television rights they realised the power this torrent of money would deliver. 等国际足联的执委们完全弄明白电视转播权的潜在价值后,他们意识到这笔山洪海啸般的钱财有多么巨大的力量。
Samaranch is credited with building the games into a multibillion-dollar industry, largely based on lucrative TV rights deals and the fierce competition among cities to land them. 萨马兰奇的成就在于把这项赛事变成了获利数十亿美元的事业,这主要是依靠丰厚的电视转播权交易以及为能承办比赛而产生的城市间的激烈的竞争。