At present the Chinese revolution is taking the first step. 中国现时的革命,是在走第一步。
When we step to the new world, we are like a child toddling, fall over for the first step.But it doesn't mean to failure as we made the first step after all. 我们迈入新世界时,像一个蹒跚学步的幼儿,刚走第一步就摔倒了,但这不是失败,毕竟我们已经迈出了这一步。
Of course it may take some time to eradicate such bad habits, but a start has been made anyway. 当然要根除这些陋习也许需要很长的时间,但起码我们已经开了一个头。
Humans take on any form,shape, energy movement or flow necessary for the task, and it is not abouthaving two hands and legs and a head. 人类以任何对于该任务必要的形体,轮廓,能量运动或能量流的形象呈现,这不是都有两只手和两只脚和一个头。