A whiff of gas will quickly put you off. 你吸一口麻醉气体马上就会进入麻醉状态。
He took a mouthful of sweet country air. 他吸一口清香的乡村空气。
Happiness is a glass of water, looked over, but a little drink. 幸福是杯子里的水,看上去很满,但是喝一口少一口。
Finally take a drink of special beverage Ge Wasi which used Molly mineral water and bread fermented , will let you know what is the ultimate barbecue. 最后再喝一口用得莫利矿泉水和面包发酵的特殊饮料格瓦斯,会让你知道什么是烧烤的最高境界。