- Some tabloid newspaper cater to low tastes. 有些小型报纸迎合低级趣味。
- Gordon: I am reading a Hollywood tabloid newspaper. 戈登:我正在读好莱坞的小报。
- Baobao:: I am reading a Hollywood tabloid newspaper. 宝宝:我正在读好莱坞的小报。
- The Sun is a British tabloid newspaper owned by News Corporation. 英国不入流的低俗小报,但发行量不亚于泰晤士报。
- The News of the World is a British tabloid newspaper published every Sunday. 《世界新闻》是一份英国的小报,每逢周日出版。
- The museum is actually a tabloid newspaper reproducing31 letters from1751 to1973, currently being distributed in city parks. 事实上,这座博物馆是一份小报,上面刊登了从1751年至1973年的共31封抱怨信,目前,此报在纽约的公园里散发。
- A tabloid newspaper? An amateur space enthusiast? U.S. government assessments of China's military prowess are sometimes based upon shaky sources. 小报报道?业余太空发烧友?美国政府对中国军事实力的评估,有时就基于这些不具权威性的情报来源。。
- Some tabloid newspapers cater to low tastes . 有些小报迎合低级趣味。
- British tabloid newspaper said the Liverpool striker wanted to appear on the television show Dancing on Ice after becoming a big fan of the ITV series. 托雷斯正式否认了外界有关他要参加当地电视台一个节目的传闻。
- Some tabloid newspapers cater to low tastes. 有些小报迎合低级趣味。
- Jo: Tabloid newspapers and glossy magazines. 她成为了英国小报的常客。
- Tabloid newspapers love to dig up scandal. 通俗小报都热中于揭露丑闻。
- At least one tabloid newspaper ran photographs of him in April with reports that the cancer had metastasized and that his weight had dropped to 105 pounds. 今年四月不止一家小报拍到他的近况,报道说癌细胞已经转移,斯威兹的体重骤降到105磅。
- She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers. 她是小报讥笑讽刺的对象。
- He hired Andy Coulson as his director of communications, despite a furore over criminal methods at a tabloid newspaper Mr Coulson once edited, a scandal that has returned to haunt him. 尽管安迪库尔逊先生曾经编辑过的一份小报由于通过非法手段获取新闻而引起了轩然大波,卡梅隆仍然任命他担任自己的联络主任。
- Sadly, a few tabloid newspapers got hold of this under-the-table gossip. 更为糟糕的是几家惯于耸人听闻的报纸抓住这些私下闲谈大作文章。
- Realistically, there will not be a rush to the altar of tabloid newspapers. 现实一点来说,报纸行业暂时还不会出现投奔小报的热潮。
- Tabloid newspapers immediately began commissioning cartoons of Frankenbunnies. 小报立刻受托开始制作人形兔子的漫画。
- Political sex scandals are all grist to the mill of the tabloid newspapers. 政界的性丑闻对通俗小报总是多多益善。
- This was, as one of our tabloid newspapers had it, the “Peking Ruck”. 我们的小报把他们叫做“北京群欧队”。