- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。
- A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake. 一阵微风吹皱了湖面。
- A wave broke across the surface of the pool. 一个波浪从池水表面掠过。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- Acid had pitted the surface of the silver. 酸把银器的表面腐蚀了。
- Don't underestimate the difficulties of the work. 不要低估了这项工作的艰巨性。
- The bulk of the work has already been done. 大部分工作已经完成。
- The surface of the lake is quite still. 湖面相当平静。
- Do the time of the execution of the work suit you? 贵方觉得工程完成期限定得合适吗?
- He was alive to the danger of the work. 他非常清楚这项工作的危险。
- The surface of the water was dimpled by the breeze. 轻风拂动水面,荡起了涟漪。
- These bubbles collect on the surface of the work piece and interfere with passivation. 这些气泡聚集在工件表面上阻碍了钝化作用。
- We skated on the glassy surface of the frozen pond. 我们在池塘的光滑的冰上溜冰。
- The surface of the water is full of foam. 水面都是泡沫。
- I have done my share of the work. 我已经做了我分内的工作。
- The body was visible below the surface of the lake. 尸体在湖水下清晰可见。
- Whole passages of the work are plagiarized. 那作品整段整段都是剽窃的。
- The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table. 湿杯子在桌面上留下一个痕迹。
- All stripper retainers must be removable from the working surface of the die. 所有的脱料板固定器都能够从模具工作表面移除。