- That provided support for soyabean prices in Chicago as demand for US beans is expected to rise if supply disruption in Latin America persists. 这为芝加哥期货交易所的大豆价格提供了支撑,因为如果拉美国家的供应中断情况继续发展,市场对美国大豆的需求有望上升。
- Continued shelling by Turkey at suspected Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq also fed worries about a supply disruption. 继续炮击土耳其在怀疑库尔德叛军阵地,在伊拉克北部美联储也担心供应中断。
- Sabah DAP youth will conduct a historical move to get the Sabah power supply disruption and woes to be recorded in the Malaysia Book of Records. 杨氏说,上述所说的事件在沙巴州是众所周知的事。这些记录很容易被通过并登记在‘马来西亚记录大全’里。
- Oil and commodity may rebound on supply disruption concern due to Hurricanes at the Gulf of Mexico and geopolitical uncertainty in Russia and Middle East. 原油和商品也许反弹由于忧虑供应中断,因墨西哥湾飓风与俄罗斯和中东地理政治的不明朗。
- Brazil has felt vulnerable to soaring oil prices and to supply disruptions. 巴西感到经受不了油价飞涨和供应中断的威胁。
- As night fell, due to supply disruptions, the entire secondary dayu dark. 夜幕降临,由于供电中断,整个大余中学一片漆黑。
- Concerns over supply disruptions helped push Brent crude oil prices to $69.97 a barrel yesterday. 对供应中断的担心,推动布伦特原油期货价格周三升至每桶69.;97美元。
- All EU countries should now urgently look for ways to make themselves less exposed to supply disruptions. 所有的欧盟国家现在都应尽快寻找减少使其自身暴露在供应争端中的方法。
- The relatively small quantities traded across borders, combined with small stockpiles, now mean that prices can move quickly in response to supply disruptions. 相对地,国际交易量小加上各国存粮不多,现在意味著米价会因为供给中断而迅速变动。
- Coal prices have been hitting record highs, as voracious demand globally is exacerbated by supply disruptions in the key markets of Australia and South Africa. 澳大利亚和南非等主要市场供应中断,加剧了全球需求紧张的局面,令煤炭价格攀升至创纪录高点。
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商号的供应木材投标已被接受。
- Past experience has shown that international coordination, such as through the International Energy Agency (IEA), in response to significant supply disruptions benefits world energy markets. 以往的经验表明:通过国际协调(如国际能源署)应对重大供应中断,有益于世界能源市场。
- Our country has a bountiful supply of food. 我们国家有充足的食物供应。
- In addition, we supply small parts for replacement. 此外,我们还提供备用小零件。
- The supply ships travelled in convoy. 补给船结队航行。
- How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply? 一盎司糖可以供给多少卡热量?
- There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party. 那次宴会上有大量饮料供应。
- Our wood supply proved insufficient. 我们的木材供应证明是不够的。
- The electricity failure paralyzed the water supply. 停电使水供应陷于瘫痪。
- How long will our food supply hold out? 我们的食物供应能维持多长时间?