relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs;
"suburban population"
用作形容词 (adj.)
There is nearly no sadan we could see in the suburban streets, but trucks and four-wheel-drives. 市郊的路上几乎看不到一台房车,反而都是卡车或是四轮驱动的休旅车。
Its newspapers include the Hartford Courant in Connecticut, a number of suburban Philadelphia newspapers and the Trentonian near Philadelphia. 其运营的报纸包括位于康涅狄格的哈特福德报,及费城市郊的诸多报纸。
They decide to head for a suburban shopping mall. 于是他们决定前往郊区的购物中心。
A food bank deliveryman is found dead, in a suburban home. 一个美国食粮捐赠中心的送货员被害,尸体在其郊区的家中被发现。