a strong steel that is rolled into shapes that are used in construction
structural steel的用法和样例:
Under heavy stress, the steel frame was strained. 在重压下,钢架都变形了。
A steel lattice now fuses his upper and lower body. 现在,他上下两半身体便是靠钢架焊接起来。
Choice of steel types for the metallic construction and boiler making for brittle fracture hazard prevention. 防止脆性断裂危险用金属结构钢和锅炉制造用钢的类型选择。
The probability and main effect factors of superplastic welding of structural and tool steel after partly high frequency quenching have been examined. 探讨了结构钢与工具钢待焊接区表面高频淬火后超塑焊接的可行性及影响因素。