- The answer to my request was a strong negative . 否定词语,否定的观点;拒绝;否认;底片
- The answer to my request was a strong negative. 我的要求受到强硬的拒绝。
- High property values have had a strong negative bearing on social stability and our economic vitality. 物业价格高企,已对社会的稳定和本港的经济活力带来非常不利的影响。
- As a thundercloud moves through the air, a strong negative charge gathers near its base. 当雷雨云在空气中移动时,一股很强的负电荷在云层底部附近聚集。
- Severe facial blushing may have a strong negative impact on the quality of life and is one of the cardinal symptoms of social phobia. 严重的颜面潮红对患者的生活质量会产生严重的负面影响。颜面潮红是社交恐怖的一个主要症状。
- Family attachment, school attachment, belief in social norms, and the social bent of life value all have strong negative correlation with delinquencies. 家庭依附、学校依附以及对社会规范的信念都与越轨行为呈现较强的负相关。越轨交往与越轨行为间呈现正相关。
- The medusa have strong negative geotaxic and weak negative phototaxic behaviour.The character might facilitate their aggregation, thus increase fertilization rate. 在水母体的行为特徵方面,水母体具有很强的背地性,由此可能增加水母体聚集的机会,以提高受精率。
- Although nuclear is a clean and economical way to produce vast amounts of much-needed energy, the public who are concerned about safety, hold a strong negative attitude towards it. 在目前能源紧缺的情况下,核是没有污染和成本较低的能源,并且核可以提供大量电能。但是公众担心其安全性,因此都持否定态度。
- The activity of serum GPT and the body weight in FGL was in moderate negative correlation at 6 week (r = -0.347) and 10 week (r=-0.453), which was in strong negative correlation in EPL at 6 week (r=-0.733). 快长系6周和10周GPT活性均与体重呈中等强度负相关(r=-0.;347;r=-0
- Network, which is characterized by its secrecy, openness, and liberty, is exerting strong negative effectiveness on the culture patterns, moral values and life styles of modern teenagers. 网络以其隐蔽性、开放性、自由性对现代青少年的文化模式、道德观念、生活方式产生强烈的负面效应。
- This reasoning is tested by Waring (1996), who finds a strong negative relation between competitiveness within an industrial sector and the persistence of profitability for firms in that sector. 这种选择出于很多原因。
- You can see that NPV is strongly negative if the company does not produce a single scooter. 你可以看出如果公司没有生产一辆助动车NPV就负得很厉害。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- Normally, cells then briefly hyperpolarize: they become strongly negative on the inside relative to the outside by allowing potassium ions to rush out. 正常状况下,细胞接著会出现短暂过极化:因为太多钾离子涌出细胞,使得细胞内部变成带有相对较高的负电。
- The limitations in the 1-DNF algorithm for getting initial strongly negative data set are described.An improved 1-DNF algorithm is proposed. 该文指出了使用1-DNF算法抽取初始的最强反例集合的局限性,提出了对算法1-DNF的改进方法。
- Extracting initial strongly negative data set from positive data and unlabeled data is a base for constructing a PU-oriented text classifier by two stage frame method. 利用正样例集合和未标识样例集合获取初始的最强反例集合是使用两步框架方法构造一个面向PU问题文本分类器的基础。
- This kind of RPT has more strong negativeness and hazard because of non-existence of share-right in the management layer. 由于管理层实际上在上市公司没有任何股权,这种转移利润的关联交易的隐蔽性更强,危害更大。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- Of course, in an argument what one spouse says is often in the form of an attack, or is said with such strong negativity that it is hard to hear anything other than an attack. 当然,在争吵中,配偶一方所说的话通常是以攻击的形式出现,或者带有强烈的否定性以至于很难听到除了攻击以外的任何东西。
- The man attached a strong rope to his sled. 那人将一条结实的绳子系在他的雪撬上。