- state one's artistic faith 说出自己的艺术信条
- One? s artistic appreciation is the result of one? s certain level of philosophical attainment. 哲学修养是艺术欣赏、别是成功的艺术欣赏的必备条件之一。
- The articulate man s artistic cartoon startled the charterer. 发音清晰者的艺术卡通使包租人大吃一惊.
- But Yan Pei Ming’s artistic career faced a huge roadblock when he was rejected for admission into one of the city’s leading art institutes, the Shanghai Art &Design School. 他属于包括徐冰,谷文达,黄永砯,王克平以及蔡国强等海外军团的一份子,这群艺术家把中国艺术的理念提升到了既是现代的又是中国的水平。
- In that state one has to pay taxes on both real and personal property. 在那个国家里,动产和不动产都要纳税。
- Lawrence’s artistic tendency is mainly realism, which combines dramatic scenes with an authoritative commentary. 劳伦斯继承了现实主义创作手法,将戏剧化情节与权威性的评说结合起来。
- Shuman"s artistic song has the unique charm and the huge artistic power, the creation individuality is bright. 舒曼的艺术歌曲具有独特的魅力和巨大的艺术感染力,创造个性鲜明。
- Following that, this part introduces O"Neill"s artistic credo and expressionistic influence received. 最后还对他的艺术准则及所受到的表现主义影响进行了阐述。
- Introduce the travel routes of Kunming, Mount Lushan, Chengde Summer Resort, and state one's own opinions. 介绍昆明,庐山,北戴河的旅游线路,并说明自己的观点。
- This famous sentence by Italo Calvino is a strong inspiration to Chow Chun Fai’s artistic research. 上述卡尔维诺名言,一直是周俊辉艺术探索中的重要灵感。
- In such a state one could only think about the basic functions for survival: breathing, sleeping, eating, evacuating.Beginning to cry, Mr. 在这样一个状态里,一个人只能考虑生存的基本功能:呼吸,睡眠,饮食,排泄。
- Pound’s artistic talents are on full display in the history of the Imagist Movement, which flourished from 1909 to 1917. 庞德的艺术才华在意象主义运动中得到了充分发挥,这场运动从1909年到1917年发展得如火如荼。
- Inertial technology is transformed from platform system into strapdown system gradually, and gyroscope is changed from mechanical rotor model into solid state one. 惯性技术逐渐从平台系统过渡到捷联系统,从机械转子型陀螺向固态陀螺发展。
- In order to get rid of the puzzlement of the postmodern art,importance should be attached to Cassirer s artistic philosophy. 走出后现代艺术的困境,卡西尔的艺术哲学思想值得重视。
- On the other hand, all these features were the result of Woolf "s artistic exploration deeply influenced by traditional unconsciousness. 在这样的艺术世界背后,又包含着伍尔夫对艺术的探索和传统的无意识影响。
- This part focuses on how Langer"s artistic illusion developed on the base of instinct aesthetic theory, the geslalt psychological aesthetics and the viual arts in 20th century. 把艺术幻象论置于20世纪文艺思潮大背景下,考察朗格艺术幻象论对审美直觉理论、格式塔心理学美学以及视觉艺术研究成果的借鉴。
- Last but not least, the paper considers the comprehensive art education as the chief approach of the fostering process of children’s artistic synesthesia. 首先,论述了艺术通感对于儿童身心健康成长的意义,接着提出并阐释了综合艺术教育是培育儿童艺术通感的主要途径。
- Matter can change from one state to another. 物质能从一种状态变成另一种状态。
- Maria Gunnoe of the Appalachian area of West Virginia in the United States one won from North America. 来自美国西弗吉尼亚州阿巴拉契亚地区的玛利亚为美国获得一枚奖章。